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Nice video but you forgot the most important trick: switch pkm for ev ;)


I will explain how i do my training :

1. I collect differents PKM before i train them, i never train my PKM one by one, it takes too much time.

2. Once i have 15-20 differents PKM, i go to cerulean cave and i train this PKMs to lv 60.

3. I delet the useless EV with berries (1 or 2 berries per PKM the most time).

4. I take a Pass 24h for 50k in safari EV Training. And i EV my PKM 6 by 6 PKM. I mean: i will take 6 PKM with the same EV needed, i use Macho Brace on the 6 PKM. And when i fight a PKM, i switch until all my PKM see the wild PKM and with the last i kill the PKM.

5. I finish the level training on Cerulean Cave (maybe others places better, depends on the PKM).


Why i train my PKM lv 60 ? To be able to outspeed and oneshot the wild PKM (animation and text battle take too much time). And i take less damages by switching.

Why i do Switching for EV Training? Because with 1 PKM, it take 20 minutes to do around 300 EV. With 6 PKM, i do around 600 EVs per run. So, for 6 PKM, if i EV them 1 by 1, i will take 512*6 /300 = 10,24 runs to train them, so 3,4 hours. With 6 PKM by switching: 512*6 / 600 = 5,12; so 1,7 hours.


But this method need to have differents PKM with same EV.

Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion



Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver


My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9

yeah nice trick but the most of the times maybe we are collecting 6 pokes for make a team and ofc these 6 pokes needs different evs.

But yes if you are training 6 pokes with the same evs this method is nice !!


TY for your comment & For the tip <3

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