Kaminokage Posted March 15, 2018 Author Share Posted March 15, 2018 Laker Valor: Petilil - https://prnt.sc/irqwb7 Route 208: Minccino - https://prnt.sc/irqv91 Route 209: Kelpsy Berry (I Forgot take printcreen)Ty ;) Added. Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-500148 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felli Posted March 16, 2018 Share Posted March 16, 2018 Fuego ironwork has cottonee too [MEDIA=giphy]jXOxSiAx5UVnq[/MEDIA] Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-500265 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted March 16, 2018 Author Share Posted March 16, 2018 Fuego ironwork has cottonee too Ty, added. And i add my news datas too, for quantity. Eternal Forest Metapod Pecha Berry Spinarak Empty Metapod Spinarak Spinarak Metapod Fuego Ironworks Qualot Berry Shinx Qualot Berry Bidoof Ledyba Ledyba Bidoof Route 208 Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Empty Natu Empty Budew Route 209 Combee Empty Hondew Berry Aipom Cascoon Aipom Cascoon Lake Valor Butterfree Pidove Empty Butterfree Butterfree Bidoof Bidoof Empty Empty Sendoff Spring Pecha Berry Bibarel Staraptor Pecha Berry Kricketune Cheri Berry Empty Leppa Berry Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-500530 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted March 21, 2018 Author Share Posted March 21, 2018 Updated. Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Spinarak Qualot Berry Tamato Berry Metapod Sewaddle Sitrus Berry Metapod Kelpsy Berry Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Shinx Ledyba Ledyba Empty Leppa Berry Empty Lake Valor Bidoof Sitrus Berry Bidoof Oran Berry Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Murkrow Bidoof Empty Sendoff Spring Qualot Berry Simipour Leppa Berry Empty Empty Kricketune Pomeg Berry Nuzleaf Route 208 Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Natu Empty Honey Murkrow Route 209 Tamato Berry Empty Cascoon Cascoon Combee Empty Cascoon Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Amount: 8 Trees Pomeg Berry Empty Metapod Spinarak Empty Surskit Empty Spinarak Fuego Ironworks Amount: 7 Trees Ledyba Ledyba Empty Chatot Ledyba Bidoof Bidoof Lake Valor Amount: 9 Trees Butterfree Leppa Berry Hondew Berry Butterfree Sitrus Berry Bidoof Empty Pidove Empty Route 208 Amount: 6 Trees Natu Aipom Pachirisu Leppa Berry Natu Natu Route 209 Amount: 7 Trees Empty Oran Berry Combee Taillow Tamato Berry Cascoon Empty Sendoff Spring Amount: 8 Trees Empty Bibarel Simisage Kricketune Simisage Leppa Berry Empty Pecha Berry Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-503937 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted March 22, 2018 Author Share Posted March 22, 2018 Updated : Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Amount: 8 Trees Leppa Berry Honey Spinarak Metapod Empty Metapod Leppa Berry Metapod Fuego Ironworks Amount: 7 Trees Ledyba Bidoof Ledyba Shinx Empty Qualot Berry Bidoof Lake Valor Amount: 9 Trees Bidoof Cherubi Pomeg Berry Leppa Berry Murkrow Honey Murkrow Empty Cherubi Route 208 Amount: 6 Trees Murkrow Empty Leppa Berry Natu Murkrow Leppa Berry Route 209 Amount: 7 Trees Hondew Berry Taillow Empty Cascoon Honey Poochyena Poochyena Sendoff Spring Amount: 8 Trees Leppa Berry Kricketune Empty Kricketune Grepa Berry Kricketune Cheri Berry Empty Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-504313 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted March 26, 2018 Author Share Posted March 26, 2018 Updated : Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Empty Metapod Surskit Leppa Berry Sewaddle Pecha Berry Sitrus Berry Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Cottonee Bidoof Bidoof Ledyba Qualot Berry Bidoof Lake Valor Empty Empty Bidoof Empty Butterfree Empty Pidove Empty Leppa Berry Route 208 Natu Natu Empty Aipom Pachirisu Empty Route 209 Empty Oran Berry Aipom Aipom Aipom Aipom Aipom Sendoff Spring Bibarel Kelpsy Berry Kricketune Kricketune Bibarel Empty Staraptor Empty Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Spinarak Kelpsy Berry Surskit Hondew Berry Empty Leppa Berry Empty Empty Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Chatot Empty Leppa Berry Shinx Bidoof Chatot Lake Valor Cherubi Butterfree Empty Sitrus Berry Butterfree Cherubi Butterfree Bidoof Pidove Route 208 Grepa Berry Aipom Pachirisu Leppa Berry Empty Sitrus Berry Route 209 Aipom Oran Berry Empty Empty Empty Empty Cascoon Sendoff Spring Pecha Berry Simipour Leppa Berry Staraptor Empty Bibarel Bibarel Empty Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Spinarak Empty Spinarak Metapod Surskit Empty Metapod Surskit Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Shinx Pomeg Berry Sitrus Berry Bidoof Ledyba Shinx Lake Valor Murkrow Oran Berry Kelpsy Berry Bidoof Honey Bidoof Murkrow Murkrow Bidoof Route 208 Empty Natu Empty Empty Sitrus Berry Murkrow Route 209 Rawst Berry Leppa Berry Combee Poochyena Empty Poochyena Combee Sendoff Spring Leppa Berry Simipour Simisage Pecha Berry Carnivine Nuzleaf Cheri Berry Staraptor Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-506021 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted March 30, 2018 Author Share Posted March 30, 2018 Updated : Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Spinarak Spinarak Spinarak Leppa Berry Spinarak Spinarak Pecha Berry Fuego Ironworks Ledyba Empty Ledyba Bidoof Chatot Chatot Ledyba Lake Valor Murkrow Bidoof Bidoof Pidove Bidoof Cherubi Kelpsy Berry Murkrow Bidoof Route 208 Murkrow Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Budew Empty Natu Route 209 Empty Empty Pomeg Berry Combee Combee Leppa Berry Empty Sendoff Spring Cheri Berry Simipour Simisage Kricketune Kricketune Pecha Berry Staraptor Honey Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Surskit Spinarak Spinarak Spinarak Pomeg Berry Spinarak Metapod Spinarak Fuego Ironworks Ledyba Cottonee Bidoof Ledyba Bidoof Bidoof Empty Lake Valor Empty Butterfree Empty Oran Berry Kelpsy Berry Pidove Cherubi Oran Berry Empty Route 208 Natu Honey Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Aspear Berry Budew Route 209 Combee Oran Berry Taillow Cascoon Cascoon Empty Aipom Sendoff Spring Leppa Berry Simipour Simisage Bibarel Empty Leppa Berry Pomeg Berry Staraptor Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Spinarak Metapod Spinarak Empty Sitrus Berry Empty Metapod Fuego Ironworks Chatot Shinx Sitrus Berry Ledyba Empty Empty Shinx Lake Valor Pomeg Berry Cherubi Bidoof Oran Berry Pidove Sitrus Berry Oran Berry Butterfree Bidoof Route 208 Natu Aipom Budew Tamato Berry Budew Aipom Route 209 Leppa Berry Empty Empty Combee Aipom Aipom Empty Sendoff Spring Pecha Berry Simipour Bibarel Kelpsy Berry Simisage Pecha Berry Kricketune Staraptor Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Sewaddle Spinarak Spinarak Spinarak Spinarak Sewaddle Metapod Surskit Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Bidoof Rawst Berry Bidoof Ledyba Empty Sitrus Berry Lake Valor Butterfree Oran Berry Bidoof Empty Oran Berry Oran Berry Leppa Berry Empty Sitrus Berry Route 208 Natu Natu Empty Natu Aipom Aipom Route 209 Aipom Cascoon Rawst Berry Taillow Honey Oran Berry Cascoon Sendoff Spring Kricketune Kricketune Pecha Berry Bibarel Bibarel Kricketune Cheri Berry Bibarel Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-508368 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted April 6, 2018 Author Share Posted April 6, 2018 Updated : Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Leppa Berry Metapod Spinarak Metapod Empty Spinarak Sewaddle Empty Fuego Ironworks Shinx Bidoof Bidoof Empty Empty Ledyba Bidoof Lake Valor Bidoof Pidove Murkrow Bidoof Empty Bidoof Leppa Berry Empty Tamato Berry Route 208 Kelpsy Berry Empty Pachirisu Natu Natu Murkrow Route 209 Poochyena Combee Oran Berry Empty Empty Poochyena Leppa Berry Sendoff Spring Empty Staraptor Kricketune Kricketune Cheri Berry Carnivine Empty Kricketune Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Spinarak Hondew Berry Pecha Berry Spinarak Pomeg Berry Metapod Empty Fuego Ironworks Shinx Ledyba Empty Bidoof Chatot Bidoof Ledyba Lake Valor Oran Berry Qualot Berry Murkrow Cherubi Cherubi Murkrow Sitrus Berry Bidoof Murkrow Route 208 Grepa Berry Empty Pachirisu Honey Empty Murkrow Route 209 Empty Kelpsy Berry Poochyena Poochyena Cascoon Kelpsy Berry Rawst Berry Sendoff Spring Empty Kricketune Nuzleaf Empty Kricketune Pecha Berry Simisage Pecha Berry Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Leppa Berry Empty Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Qualot Berry Kelpsy Berry Empty Surskit Fuego Ironworks Chatot Empty Ledyba Rawst Berry Bidoof Ledyba Ledyba Lake Valor Bidoof Bidoof Empty Kelpsy Berry Bidoof Grepa Berry Bidoof Cherubi Empty Route 208 Empty Budew Murkrow Sitrus Berry Empty Pachirisu Route 209 Poochyena Poochyena Oran Berry Cascoon Cascoon Qualot Berry Poochyena Sendoff Spring Carnivine Empty Nuzleaf Pecha Berry Nuzleaf Pecha Berry Simisage Empty Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-511998 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted April 16, 2018 Author Share Posted April 16, 2018 Updated : Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Sewaddle Leppa Berry Empty Honey Pecha Berry Surskit Empty Surskit Fuego Ironworks Shinx Chatot Chatot Sitrus Berry Bidoof Ledyba Bidoof Lake Valor Empty Murkrow Sitrus Berry Murkrow Murkrow Empty Cherubi Bidoof Cherubi Route 208 Natu Natu Minccino Empty Leppa Berry Pachirisu Route 209 Cascoon Combee Combee Cascoon Taillow Rawst Berry Cascoon Sendoff Spring Staraptor Nuzleaf Kricketune Empty Empty Kricketune Nuzleaf Simipour Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Surskit Sewaddle Sewaddle Empty Metapod Sewaddle Spinarak Empty Fuego Ironworks Chatot Ledyba Sitrus Berry Shinx Bidoof Ledyba Bidoof Lake Valor Empty Empty Cherubi Pidove Butterfree Butterfree Bidoof Empty Butterfree Route 208 Empty Natu Aipom Leppa Berry Empty Leppa Berry Route 209 Taillow Aipom Aipom Cascoon Taillow Empty Rawst Berry Sendoff Spring Simisage Empty Empty Staraptor Kricketune Bibarel Simisage Kricketune Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Empty Spinarak Spinarak Pecha Berry Spinarak Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Fuego Ironworks Leppa Berry Ledyba Shinx Bidoof Leppa Berry Chatot Chatot Lake Valor Butterfree Butterfree Butterfree Petitil Butterfree Pidove Bidoof Grepa Berry Sitrus Berry Route 208 Budew Pachirisu Empty Aipom Aspear Berry Aipom Route 209 Cascoon Leppa Berry Empty Aipom Taillow Turtwig Aipom Sendoff Spring Kricketune Honey Kricketune Simipour Bibarel Kricketune Kricketune Empty Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Spinarak Metapod Empty Pecha Berry Empty Empty Surskit Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Ledyba Ledyba Sitrus Berry Chatot Bidoof Rawst Berry Lake Valor Honey Bidoof Empty Murkrow Murkrow Empty Sitrus Berry Bidoof Empty Route 208 Tamato Berry Pachirisu Natu Empty Leppa Berry Pachirisu Route 209 Combee Empty Poochyena Cascoon Empty Cascoon Poochyena Sendoff Spring Tamato Berry Staraptor Kricketune Nuzleaf Staraptor Kricketune Nuzleaf Pecha Berry Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Sewaddle Surskit Chespin Kelpsy Berry Chespin Metapod Metapod Fuego Ironworks Rawst Berry Ledyba Empty Bidoof Ledyba Chatot Sitrus Berry Lake Valor Bidoof Pomeg Berry Bidoof Bidoof Pidove Butterfree Bidoof Empty Cherubi Route 208 Empty Budew Empty Aipom Aipom Empty Route 209 Combee Aipom Cascoon Taillow Empty Empty Rawst Berry Sendoff Spring Kricketune Bibarel Kricketune Staraptor Kricketune Kricketune Bibarel Bibarel Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Empty Spinarak Metapod Metapod Spinarak Chespin Chespin Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Ledyba Empty Ledyba Empty Ledyba Bidoof Sendoff Spring Nuzleaf Kricketune Empty Empty Empty Pecha Berry Kricketune Staraptor Route 208 Minccino Sitrus Berry Natu Empty Murkrow Budew Route 209 Qualot Berry Cascoon Poochyena Cascoon Poochyena Cascoon Poochyena Lake Valor Sitrus Berry Bidoof Bidoof Empty Empty Bidoof Bidoof Oran Berry Pidove Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Metapod Sitrus Berry Spinarak Metapod Spinarak Empty Metapod Fuego Ironworks Leppa Berry Bidoof Bidoof Ledyba Rawst Berry Chatot Bidoof Lake Valor Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Murkrow Oran Berry Bidoof Murkrow Cherubi Grepa Berry Grepa Berry Route 208 Murkrow Murkrow Empty Empty Empty Natu Route 209 Poochyena Leppa Berry Taillow Poochyena Kelpsy Berry Rawst Berry Cascoon Sendoff Spring Nuzleaf Empty Kricketune Kricketune Nuzleaf Empty Pecha Berry Leppa Berry Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Sitrus Berry Spinarak Metapod Empty Metapod Spinarak Empty Sewaddle Fuego Ironworks Shinx Rawst Berry Empty Empty Empty Chatot Rawst Berry Lake Valor Empty Bidoof Bidoof Empty Butterfree Pomeg Berry Butterfree Pidove Empty Route 208 Sitrus Berry Aspear Berry Sitrus Berry Aipom Empty Aipom Route 209 Combee Empty Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Cascoon Combee Aipom Sendoff Spring Pomeg Berry Tamato Berry Carnivine Empty Simisage Staraptor Bibarel Kricketune Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-515781 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaminokage Posted April 28, 2018 Author Share Posted April 28, 2018 Updated : Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Sitrus Berry Metapod Leppa Berry Metapod Spinarak Surskit Empty Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Rawst Berry Ledyba Bidoof Shinx Bidoof Leppa Berry Lake Valor Pomeg Berry Petitil Bidoof Butterfree Butterfree Butterfree Butterfree Bidoof Butterfree Route 208 Natu Aspear Berry Leppa Berry Honey Empty Budew Route 209 Cascoon Empty Oran Berry Oran Berry Empty Cascoon Empty Sendoff Spring Empty Bibarel Simisage Leppa Berry Kricketune Bibarel Empty Staraptor Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Spinarak Empty Spinarak Surskit Sitrus Berry Empty Leppa Berry Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Cottonee Grepa Berry Bidoof Chatot Rawst Berry Rawst Berry Lake Valor Leppa Berry Kelpsy Berry Qualot Berry Empty Grepa Berry Cherubi Hondew Berry Pomeg Berry Murkrow Route 208 Murkrow Budew Natu Natu Empty Murkrow Route 209 Turtwig Empty Cascoon Empty Empty Cascoon Cascoon Sendoff Spring Leppa Berry Kricketune Simisage Nuzleaf Empty Kricketune Empty Empty Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Surskit Spinarak Surskit Empty Metapod Empty Sewaddle Fuego Ironworks Shinx Empty Ledyba Bidoof Cottonee Shinx Rawst Berry Lake Valor Pidove Sitrus Berry Empty Empty Bidoof Empty Drifloon Murkrow Pidove Route 208 Budew Murkrow Empty Pachirisu Murkrow Leppa Berry Route 209 Leppa Berry Combee Taillow Honey Poochyena Cascoon Poochyena Sendoff Spring Nuzleaf Nuzleaf Kricketune Nuzleaf Leppa Berry Empty Carnivine Nuzleaf Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Spinarak Chespin Pecha Berry Grepa Berry Spinarak Metapod Spinarak Tamato Berry Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Shinx Bidoof Bidoof Qualot Berry Rawst Berry Sitrus Berry Lake Valor Cherubi Empty Pidove Cherubi Qualot Berry Hondew Berry Butterfree Pidove Bidoof Route 208 Natu Empty Leppa Berry Pachirisu Empty Natu Route 209 Oran Berry Aipom Empty Tamato Berry Taillow Combee Leppa Berry Sendoff Spring Empty Bibarel Kricketune Staraptor Staraptor Staraptor Kricketune Bibarel Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Metapod Empty Sitrus Berry Spinarak Tamato Berry Surskit Empty Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Leppa Berry Ledyba Leppa Berry Ledyba Empty Shinx Lake Valor Bidoof Butterfree Cherubi Pidove Butterfree Pidove Empty Bidoof Butterfree Route 208 Pachirisu Budew Budew Natu Budew Aipom Route 209 Taillow Aipom Taillow Aipom Cascoon Combee Aipom Sendoff Spring Empty Kelpsy Berry Empty Empty Bibarel Carnivine Bibarel Staraptor Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Spinarak Spinarak Sitrus Berry Spinarak Empty Metapod Spinarak Leppa Berry Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Ledyba Empty Pomeg Berry Empty Empty Sitrus Berry Lake Valor Butterfree Sitrus Berry Bidoof Pidove Empty Cherubi Butterfree Bidoof Oran Berry Route 208 Budew Pachirisu Aipom Pachirisu Empty Empty Route 209 Qualot Berry Leppa Berry Rawst Berry Aipom Empty Rawst Berry Cascoon Sendoff Spring Kricketune Staraptor Leppa Berry Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Bibarel Kricketune Kricketune Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Spinarak Empty Spinarak Leppa Berry Empty Sewaddle Tamato Berry Fuego Ironworks Empty Bidoof Chatot Ledyba Rawst Berry Bidoof Bidoof Lake Valor Bidoof Bidoof Butterfree Empty Pidove Bidoof Empty Cherubi Cherubi Route 208 Budew Empty Empty Aipom Hondew Berry Aipom Route 209 Aipom Empty Aipom Cascoon Oran Berry Pomeg Berry Cascoon Sendoff Spring Kricketune Kricketune Simisage Bibarel Bibarel Kricketune Grepa Berry Leppa Berry Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Metapod Empty Metapod Sewaddle Empty Leppa Berry Sitrus Berry Empty Fuego Ironworks Bidoof Bidoof Sitrus Berry Cottonee Ledyba Ledyba Bidoof Lake Valor Empty Murkrow Bidoof Empty Empty Empty Oran Berry Pidove Bidoof Route 208 Empty Natu Empty Empty Leppa Berry Natu Route 209 Poochyena Poochyena Combee Cascoon Cascoon Turtwig Leppa Berry Sendoff Spring Kricketune Simipour Cheri Berry Empty Empty Empty Nuzleaf Simisage Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Leppa Berry Surskit Leppa Berry Empty Empty Surskit Spinarak Metapod Fuego Ironworks Kelpsy Berry Chatot Empty Shinx Ledyba Bidoof Ledyba Lake Valor Empty Leppa Berry Murkrow Bidoof Murkrow Bidoof Cherubi Cherubi Cherubi Route 208 Aspear Berry Murkrow Sitrus Berry Natu Murkrow Empty Route 209 Empty Cascoon Tamato Berry Hondew Berry Combee Poochyena Combee Sendoff Spring Kricketune Nuzleaf Staraptor Leppa Berry Kricketune Nuzleaf Simisage Empty Kaminokage : Eterna Forest Empty Empty Sewaddle Surskit Empty Sewaddle Metapod Spinarak Fuego Ironworks Qualot Berry Ledyba Tamato Berry Bidoof Chatot Ledyba Chatot Lake Valor Butterfree Tamato Berry Empty Butterfree Leppa Berry Empty Cherubi Empty Pidove Route 208 Pachirisu Hondew Berry Aipom Aipom Empty Natu Route 209 Aipom Combee Aipom Honey Cascoon Empty Empty Sendoff Spring Simisage Staraptor Bibarel Bibarel Simisage Pecha Berry Honey Grepa Berry Server : Gold - Name : Kaminokage - Guild : FrenchConnexion Ex-member of the Chaos on Silver My personnal shop : https://tinyurl.com/y8bbuoq9 Link to comment https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/86628-headbutt-trees-sinnoh-outdated-can-be-closed/page/2/#findComment-523257 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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