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I am experimenting a really annoying bug in Mt Pyre.

When i fight Team Aqua & Magma in Mt Pyre Exterior, first bug is they dont give any exp point nor poke$.

Second bug is, when i go heal my pokémon in the previous map at the nurse, they all reappear.


Is it supposed to be that way ? I dont think so...


Thanks for reading


Edit : i am sorry because i posted this on the wrong place, may an admin move it to general bugs ?

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Hello Gwape!



Like hahahaka said, That trainers doesnt give you Exp & Money because its scripted to be like that, You can make a lot of Exp/Money in the middle of the story to your pokemons if you beat all trainers and we dont want players to rush the region!, Thats why those trainers doesnt give you Exp & Money.



And Yes, If you heal your pokemon the npc's will reset, Hoenn its a hard region and you need to be prepare to everything!


I'm sorry if this causes any trouble for you, Feel free to make a suggestion here!


Have a nice day!






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