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Noob need help for my team for kanto's e4


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Hi guys :)

What's the ideal moveset of these Pokémon:


-Dragonite (atk build)

-Gyarados:for now I use Dragon dance,Ice fang,earthquake and watertail(i haven't waterfall yet)

-Arcanine:for now I have Fire blitz (but i don't like it),outrage and the extreme Speed atk build. But I think there's a special atk build..Any suggestion?


And the 5th and 6th i don't have any idea what use.. tangela? Rhyhorn? (i also have a decent shiny krabby)


Ty for help!

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Charizard Flamethrower, earthquake, Air Slash, Shadow Claw

Dragonite Dragon dance, Dragon Claw (tm in celadon mall), earthquake, Wing Attack

Arcanine Wild Charge (tutor in power plant)

Ty so much! :D... There's not an alternative to Fire blitz?


And then..What I should build in order ti complete the team?

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