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  G4tsu84 said:
I can't play anymore on my smartphone android. Now when i try to open the application a pop up say "Failure to initialize! Your haedware does not support this application." I played yesterday. What happended?


Hello G4tsu84!, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, The servers are down now for maintenance and this will help to make the server more stable, Keep an eye on the Official Discord server to be updated with the situation, if you join the server You will be notified when the servers are back.


Discord server: https://discord.gg/FdtDfG4



However if the servers are back and you still can login Please let me know in this post!



Have a nice day!


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  G4tsu84 said:
I can't play anymore on my smartphone android. Now when i try to open the application a pop up say "Failure to initialize! Your haedware does not support this application." I played yesterday. What happended?

I cannot play on my smartphone either. I can open the app and see the login buttons, the game wont launch and servers are up.

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