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this 2 hours 15 minutes seems to last forever [Locked]


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hey all, i was told 2 hours 15 minutes at 11pm LAST night! this is the longest 2 hours in my life tbh. just wondered whether you actually had a real time or even an incline as to when i can use re server, his mornign yellow was so my fix was fulfilled, but my main acc is on red, also will i be havingsome form of reimbursement for losing a whole day of my 15 day ms? thankyou in advane, and keep up the good work, p.s does thismean gen7 pokes are actually gna be on here after too?

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hey all, i was told 2 hours 15 minutes at 11pm LAST night! this is the longest 2 hours in my life tbh. just wondered whether you actually had a real time or even an incline as to when i can use re server, his mornign yellow was so my fix was fulfilled, but my main acc is on red, also will i be havingsome form of reimbursement for losing a whole day of my 15 day ms? thankyou in advane, and keep up the good work, p.s does thismean gen7 pokes are actually gna be on here after too?


Hello LucyWooWoo, I'm sorry for the inconvenience, This maintenance its to make the server more stable and this means no more frecuently crash and thats why its taking so long, However if you have a Membership active we are going to expand the time depending on the server to be back to your Membership so you are not going to lose any time.


Please check our Discord to be updated with the situation, If you join the Discord server you will be notified when the servers are back!



Discord server: https://discord.gg/FdtDfG4


There is no ETA for Gen 7 Pokemons to have spawn.


With that being said i will close the Topic, Please be patience and have a nice day!

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