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I have a problem, I enter the game and after 4/5 minutes I get knocked out in the server selection screen, what happens? never happened in 3 months of play...
Hi there,


You have stated that you disconnect after a few minutes and it's been a recent issue; this leads me to believe something faulty is happening on your side of the connection. While it is true that our servers do crash, they will not randomly kick only a few players out of the game, therefore, it is likely something on your connection that is causing these random kicks. If you have a tendency to disconnect often, I would highly suggest the following steps:

Try to run the game in admin mode, and windows 7 compatibility mode; also add an exception for the game to your firewall and antivirus if you haven't yet.


Are you using a public connection? (school, workplace, fastfood restaurant, ...): They could be blocking the game on their network, you would need to ask them to find if that's the case.


Are you using a proxy?: If yes, try without it; if not, try with one.


It could also be your provider blocking the game; in this case, you could try contacting your internet provider to try and get it unblocked.

You should also troubleshoot your connection; although your connection can be generally good, a dead signal every so often can cause you to disconnect from the game completely. This is likely to be the case for you.


You can check out a few guides that I've found and personally use: Quick Windows Networking Fixes (Windows Only) and Troubleshooting with Ping and Traceroutes (Windows, Apple Mac OS X, and Linux supported). Again, you'll want to look out for any ping falls that may indicate an issue with your connection.


Lastly, I would recommend troubleshooting your router as it may have malfunctioned. You'll need to look up the guide to troubleshoot your make and model, but here is a General Router Troubleshooting Guide in the meantime.


Also, is your ISP Comcast? There have been recent reports of connectivity issues with said provider and may be worth looking into.


Looking forward to your answer; until then, have a great day!


Kind Regards, Astraea.


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