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Just in case anyone else has the problem, I just wanted to point out that I just used a Super Repel on Victory Road and I'm still having Pokemon flock to me every few steps. ^^ Not a big deal, and I've never had a problem with it before- But I just thought it should be known, for future reference.






© to CaptainWestenra for my perfect userbar.

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Hi there,


Based on your screenshot, it appears that the Super Repel is working as intended:

When the Super Repel is used from the Bag, it prevents wild Pokémon with a lower level than the first member of the party from appearing for 200 steps.


As it appears the first member of your party is Level 6, this is the reason why wild Pokemon are appearing. I'd suggest putting your Level 100 Kingdra in your first slot and then repelling through Victory Road; you shouldn't encounter any wild Pokemon as long as your repel is still running.


I hope I could answer your concerns! If you find anything else that appears to be wrong, feel free to report it to us. I'll now lock this specific topic as what you have reported is not a bug.


Kind Regards, Astraea.






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