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Heya picked up all eggs got all rewards, except johto. It said i missed one.

SO i redid them all, the one on whirl islands said this instead of the o you already picked this one up.

same for me but for the dark cave egg

same, can't take jhoto eggs

same as me, in route 123,whirl island,route 45 , tojho falls and shoal cave :(
Apologies for the inconvenience and frustration caused; the eggs, particularly on the Blue server, were bugged. We've recently rolled out bug fixes for them in the past 15 minutes. Completely restart your client and interact with the eggs again; if it says they've already been picked, you should be good to continue with your hunt!


If you're still encountering errors or dialogues that are improper, quote me and let me know which egg location you're having trouble with along with the dialogue. A screenshot in this scenario would be great!


Kind Regards, Astraea.

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