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Can ANYONE explain to me why the Hyper Potions don't heal for 200HP like they're supposed to?!


I've had to rematch Sabrina approx. 15 times now, I am having terrible luck against her. I decided to buy pots, used 3 on my Vape when he was low. He has a max of 180HP, NOT 200 LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO.


Except of course on my Arcanine it healed it perfectly fine. This makes NO sense!!


It's cost me quite a few fights against Sabrina! I could have won on a few occasions had it not been for this problem!


What is going on?!


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Hi there,


Apologies for the inconvenience. First, I'd like to say that potions will not force your Pokemon to exceed it's health cap; as your Vaporeon has a max health pool of 180, potions will not force your Pokemon's health to go any higher than that.


Second, we've recently updated some of our game elements to Generation 7 mechanics, which includes Hyper Potions being decreased to 120HP healed instead of 200HP.


Let me know if there is anything else I can clarify for you.


Kind Regards, Astraea.


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Ahh.. Welp, that would make a lot of sense. Might want to change the tool-tip then in-game because it still says 200hp which is very misleading, especially when you're counting on that pot to heal your 180hp Vaporeon to full.


No, I'm aware it won't exceed the cap. I was stating his hp so that you're aware it should be healing my Vaporeon to full, rather than to only 80%hp.

However, if they're changed to 120hp then it makes sense, on the flip side it's also frustrating that I wasted 15k thinking it was 200hp as the tool-tip states when in reality it was not.

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