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Fallarbor Town Fire Punch Tutor bug [SOLVED]


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hi, i was talkin to the fire punch tutor to see how much power the move has but he's asking after you select a pokemon you wanna learn it on if ur sure he cant refund even if you decline to learn it, on that point i stopped with the second option cuz 10k is alot of money when im only on 50k

here's the problem now, after selecting the second option to leave his conversation a popup came up with "blaziken learned fire punch" but he didnt learned it obviously, the window to forget a move also poped up what i dissmissed, the issue now he took 10k from me for nothing

i wasnt sure if i realy lost money or even hit the second option to leave him so i tested it again -.-

same issue and i did not select the wrong chat option, he took another 10k from me

so now im on 28k left with 20k blown away :(

hopefully you fix the issue before more people lose money for no reason


here this guy:


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Has been solved in-game and user has been refunded, therefore I'm locking this topic; have a great day!


Kind Regards, Astraea.






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