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Celebi quest bug [SOLVED]


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Hi Staff ^_^


I have a problem with celebi quest, i have complete the whole quest but not in the right order and i think that's why i have a bug.

As you can see i have entei with egg moove from scientific tutor so its really complete just the scientific in ruins of alpha don't want to give me the gs ball back.(part 4 in the celebi quest in forum)

i've tried everything before i post here.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Cordially Ebereur



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are you have catch mew?

I have same problem like you. I have 348 data evo and all own poke(not legend). When i try to catch celebi before mew, scientist still dodn't want to give gs ball to me. But after i catch mew, he give gs ball to me.

If not, check again all requirement you taht need, maybe you miss something

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Hi there @ebereur


You're missing 1 Johto Seen Data and 18 Johto Caught Data. The Legendary Dog Quest has no evolution requirements or any needed data from Kanto.

Make sure to double check your missing data. You'll be able to get the GS ball after that.


Kind regards

- Nebulas

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think I'm able to spot the problem catching unown is a req.
Hi there,


This is another warning: if you are unequipped to properly help the player with their issue, please refrain from doing so; a Community Coordinator has already located the issue of the player. Giving misinformation can be incredibly misleading for players who have issues that need to be properly addressed, and can make it harder for both the player and staff to rectify the situation. Furthermore, please keep your responses in one post if possible, as rapidly responding as such eers on the side of spam.


As the topic owner's issue has been solved, I'll now lock this topic. If other players have issues with their Celebi and the GS Ball, please make your own thread for it so we can help you out.


Kind Regards, Astraea.






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