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Pokemon Nature:


A Pokémon's Nature usually affects the value of two of its stats, ultimately increasing one of its non-HP stats Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense or Speed) by 10% and decreasing another by 10%. Starting in Pokemon HeartGoldand SoulSilver, the stats increased or decreased by a Pokémon's Nature have (respectively) a red or blue highlight (or in PROs case, a red or green highlight) on a Pokémon's summary screen. Every Nature represents one of the 25 unique possible combinations of stat increase and decrease; thus, there are five Natures that have no effect on the Pokémon's stat growth as they technically increase and decrease the same stat (Bashful, Docile, Hardy, Quirky, and Serious).

Edited by Mafi
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© to CaptainWestenra for my perfect userbar.

Kanto Pokemon | #001 - #151




#001 - #003 | Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, & Venusaur bulbasaur.gifivysaur.gifvenusaur-f.gif


#003 - #006 | Charmander, Charmeleon, & Charizard charmander.gifcharmeleon.gifcharizard.gif


#007 - #009 | Squirtle, Wartortle, & Blastoise squirtle.gifwartortle.gifblastoise.gif

  • Adamant [Attack - Special Attack] / Careful [Special Defense - Special Attack] for Squirtle & Wartortle
  • Bold [Defense - Attack] / Modest [Special Attack - Attack] / Timid [Speed - Attack]for Blastoise


#010 - #012 | Caterpie, Metapod, & Butterfree caterpie.gifmetapod.gifbutterfree-f.gif


#013 - #015 | Weedle, Kakuna, & Beedrill weedle.gifkakuna.gifbeedrill.gif

  • Adamant [Attack - Special Attack] for Weedle
  • Impish [Defense - Special Attack] / Adamant [Attack - Special Attack] / Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] for Kakuna
  • Adamant [Attack - Special Attack] / Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] / Naive [Speed - Special Defense] / Hasty [Speed - Defense] for Beedrill


#016 - #018 | Pidgey, Pidgeotto, & Pidgeot pidgey.gifpidgeotto.gifpidgeot.gif


#019 - #020 | Rattata & Raticate rattata-f.gifraticate-f.gif

  • Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] / Adamant [Attack - Special Attack] for Rattata
  • Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] for Raticate


#021 - #022 | Spearow & Fearow spearow.giffearow.gif

  • Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] / Naive [Speed - Special Defense] / Naughty [Attack - Special Defense] for Spearow
  • Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] for Fearow


#023 - #024 | Ekans & Arbok ekans.gifarbok.gif

  • Adamant [Attack - Special Attack] / Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] for Ekans
  • Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] / Impish [Defense - Special Attack] for Arbok


#025 - #026 | Pikachu & Raichu pikachu-f.gifraichu-f.gif

  • Timid [Speed - Attack] / Naive [Speed - Special Defense] for Pikachu
  • Timid [Speed - Attack] / Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] for Raichu


#027 - #028 | Sandshrew & Sandslash sandshrew.gifsandslash.gif


#029 - #031 | Nidoran♀, Nidorina, & Nidoqueen nidoran-f.gifnidorina.gifnidoqueen.gif


#032 - #034 | Nidoran♂, Nidorino, & Nidoking nidoran-m.gifnidorino.gifnidoking.gif

  • Rash [Special Attack - Special Defense] / Naive [Speed - Special Defense] / Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] / Adamant [Attack - Special Attack] for Nidoran & Nidorino
  • Rash [Special Attack - Special Defense] / Timid [Speed - Attack] / Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] for Nidoking


#035 - #036 | Clefairy & Clefable clefairy.gifclefable.gif

  • Calm [Special Defense - Attack] / Modest [Special Attack - Attack] / Hardy [Attack - Attack] / Quiet [Special Attack - Speed]for Clefairy & Clefable


#037 - #038 | Vulpix & Ninetales vulpix.gifninetales.gif


#039 - #040 | Jigglypuff & Wigglytuff jigglypuff.gifwigglytuff.gif


#041 - #041 | Zubat & Golbat zubat.gifgolbat.gif

  • Jolly [Speed - Special Attack]for Zubat
  • Jolly [Speed - Special Attack] / Timid [Speed - Attack] for Golbat


#043 - #045 | Oddish, Gloom, & Vileplume oddish.gifgloom-f.gifvileplume-f.gif


#046 - #047 | Paras & Parasect paras.gifparasect.gif


#048 - #049 | Venonat & Venomoth venonat.gifvenomoth.gif


#050 - #051 | Diglett & Dugtrio diglett.gifdugtrio.gif


#052 - #053 | Meowth & Persian meowth.gifpersian.gif


#054 - #055 | Psyduck & Golduck psyduck.gifgolduck.gif


#056 - #057 | Mankey & Primeape mankey.gifprimeape.gif


#058 - #059 | Growlithe & Arcanine growlithe.gifarcanine.gif

  • Naive [ - ] for Growlithe
  • Adamant [ - ] / Jolly [ - ] / Careful [ - ] / Impish [ - ] / Modest [ - ] / Timid [ - ] for Arcanine


#060 - #062 | Poliwag, Poliwhirl, & Poliwrath poliwag.gifpoliwhirl.gifpoliwrath.gif


#063 - #065 | Abra, Kadabra, & Alakazam abra.gifkadabra.gifalakazam.gif


#066 - #068 | Machop, Machoke, & Machamp machop.gifmachoke.gifmachamp.gif


#069 - #071 | Bellsprout, Weepinbell, & Victreebel bellsprout.gifweepinbell.gifvictreebel.gif


#072 - #073 | Tentacool & Tentacruel tentacool.giftentacruel.gif


#074 - #076 | Geodude, Graveler, & Golem geodude.gifgraveler.gifgolem.gif


#077 - #078 | Ponyta & Rapidash ponyta.gifrapidash.gif

  • Jolly [ - ] / Adamant [ - ] / Lonely [ - ] / Naive [ - ] / Hasty [ - ] for Ponyta
  • Jolly [ - ] / Naive [ - ] / Adamant [ - ] for Rapidash


#079 - #080 | Slowpoke & Slowbro slowpoke.gifslowbro.gif


#081 - #082 | Magnemite & Magneton magnemite.gifmagneton.gif


#083 | Farfetch'd farfetchd.gif


#084 - #085 | Doduo & Dodrio doduo.gifdodrio.gif

  • Naughty [ - ] / Naive [ - ] / Adamant [ - ] / Jolly [ - ] for Doduo
  • Jolly [ - ] / Adamant [ - ] for Dodrio


#086 - #087 | Seel & Dewgong seel.gifdewgong.gif


#088 - #089 | Grimer & Muk grimer.gifmuk.gif


#090 - #091 | Shellder & Cloyster shellder.gifcloyster.gif

  • Naive [ - ] / Brave [ - ] / Quiet [ - ] / Sassy [ - ] for Shellder
  • Adamant [ - ] / Bold [ - ] / Impish [ - ] for Cloyster


#092 - #094 | Gastly, Haunter, & Gengar gastly.gifhaunter.gifgengar.gif

  • Timid [ - ] / Modest [ - ] / Mild [ - ] / Quiet [ - ] for Gastly
  • Timid [ - ] / Naive [ - ] for Haunter
  • Timid [ - ] / Modest [ - ] / Mild [ - ] / Hasty [ - ] for Gengar


#095 | Onix onix.gif


#096 - #097 | Drowzee & Hypno drowzee.gifhypno-f.gif


#098 - #099 | Krabby & Kingler krabby.gifkingler.gif


#100 - #101 | Voltorb & Electrode voltorb.gifelectrode.gif


#102 - #103 | Exeggcute & Exeggutor exeggcute.gifexeggutor.gif

  • Naive [ - ] / Careful [ - ] / Relaxed [ - ] / Calm [ - ] for Exeggcute
  • Modest [ - ] / Rash [ - ] / Jolly [ - ] / Timid [ - ] / Quiet [ - ] for Exeggutor


#104 - #105 | Cubone & Marowak cubone.gifmarowak.gif


#106 | Hitmonlee hitmonlee.gif


#107 | Hitmonchan hitmonchan.gif


#108 | Lickitung lickitung.gif


#109 - #110 | Koffing & Weezing koffing.gifweezing.gif


#111 - #112 | Rhyhorn & Rhydon rhyhorn-f.gifrhydon-f.gif


#113 | Chansey chansey.gif


#114 | Tangela tangela.gif


#115 | Kangaskhan kangaskhan.gif




Edited by Mafi
  • Like 12



© to CaptainWestenra for my perfect userbar.

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