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Things that should be add in the game


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NOTE:This is only suggestion and an opinion that PRO should add or change some stuff in the game.


1. PRO should add a running shoes. Why add a running shoes if there is already a bike? well first the bike is not free two so that when your in the huge building u can go around faster.

2.PRO should add a PVP battle for lvl 50 pokemon

3.PRO should make the bicycle and the rods free

4.PRO should add spectate feature where u can watch some other player battles.

5.Make the teleportation work


I LOVE PRO so much . I have high hopes for the game and I think the game could be a lot better if these stuff be implemented in my opinion.

Note : this is my opinion alone pls do not criticize mefor it.



Strong Pokemon. Weak Pokemon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites.

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