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Welcome to Pokemon Revolution Online's May Creativity Contest!



May is the month of growth and new life sprouting everywhere. What was once a meaningless little seed in the dirt is now sprouting from the ground, forming new green leaves and flowers, proving nothing is meaningless, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. This contest will test your creativity, your capability of turning something seemingly meaningless into something good! Every two days, starting today(May 12th) until May 22nd, a word, phrase, sentence or an image connected to PRO in atleast some way will be posted in here. There will be no direct connections between any of them and they will not be posted in any particular order. Your task will be to use those words, phrases, sentences or images and make something out of them! You can create anything you wish; draw a picture, write a story, draw a comic, sing a song even, any format is allowed! Rules will be explained in more detail below.




Contest will be open until May 28th, 23:59 GMT, then this thread will be closed and winners will be chosen within the next 2 days.



What are the rules?

  • Use the words/phrases/sentences/images given in this thread over the course of next 10 days to make something that connects them. Short example of how this will work: Being given five random words, for example Bagon, Moon, Fly, Cerulean City, Hyper Potion, you can then write a story about how a Bagon always wanted to Fly to the Moon, but was unable to, until one day Bagon wandered to Cerulean City and met a trainer that healed him with a Hyper Potion, thus giving him strength to evolve and finally be able to fly. (THIS IS JUST A SHORT EXAMPLE; THOSE ARE NOT THE WORDS FOR THE CONTEST! The actual words/sentences/phrases/images that will be posted here will be a bit more complex.)
  • You can make anything you want; a drawing, a story, a comic, a song, a video, anything works! Creativity is what matters, the way you utilize and connect the words/sentences/phrases/images given is up to you!
  • YOU MUST USE ALL FIVE! Entries that do not include all five words/sentences/phrases/images given in some way will not be eligible for rewards.
  • You can interpret the word/sentence/phrase/image in any way you want to! Example: if the word is Cerulean, it can mean both the city and the color.
  • For those who decide on writing: Your entry must be at least 350 words! Anything shorter will not be eligible for rewards.
  • For video makers: Your entry must be at least 90 seconds long! Anything shorter will not be eligible for rewards. Also, in case you are making a video, please upload it to Youtube before posting it here.
  • Feel free to start working on your entry as soon as the first part is posted! You can edit your entry as much as you want! After all parts are out you will have 5 days to complete your entry, until May 27th.
  • Do not double post! Only one entry per player is allowed. Anyone that tries to enter with more than one account will be immediately DISQUALIFIED.
  • Your work must be original! Any entry that contains unoriginal, plagiarized work will be DISQUALIFIED.
  • Do not post anything in this thread aside from your entry! Any unnecessary and offtopic comments will be DELETED.
  • Three best entries will win some cool prizes! More details below.

1: Lavender

2: Resting in a Pokecenter

3: Happy but tired, they continued on their adventure.

4: Sunny Day

5: Seafoam



3rd Place(Ysimmliy): 125 PvE coins OR 75 PvP coins + type cloak of your choice

2nd Place(Joguar): 250 PvE coins OR 150 PvP coins + type cloak and hood of your choice

1st place(Junminami): 250 PvE coins OR 150 PvP coins, Coin Capsule + type cloak and hood of your choice






Q: Can i start working on my entry as soon as the first part is posted, then edit it to include other parts as they are released?

A: Yes! Feel free to start as soon as you want to. You can even post your entry here and edit it as many times as you want!

Q: What kind of format am i allowed to use?

A: Anything you wish! Whatever you are good at, anything works for this contest. From videos, drawings, stories, anything! You can even record a battle and perhaps make a commentary that would include all the words/sentences/phrases/images posted here. It can be funny, it can be serious. Creativity is what matters!

Q: If i win, do i get both PvP and PvE coins?

A: No, you can choose which ones you want, but only one of them.

Q: Can i choose a PvP cloak?

A: No, you are allowed to choose between any of the type cloaks in the Coin Shop, like Fire cloak, Dragon cloak and so on.

Q: How do i know if i'm the winner?

A: Winners will be announced in this thread and contacted through Private Messages. Feel free to leave your Discord info with your entry in case you prefer to be contacted that way!

Edited by Eyebeam
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Lavender town was born out of hate red towards humanity. There was a lot of chaos caused by the banana pancake disorder which led to birth of silly mutants also known as Pokemon. However these Pokemon proved to be more that just mere slaves so illuminati had to step in. Their evil deeds, black magic and some stardust led to creation of new disorder called Nutella cheesecake disorder. This led to birth of even more weirder mutations. And demons born with this disorder were known as digimons. And they lived happily ever after !

Las olivas tienen el simple poder de gangrenar tobillos de ciervo porque las gafas de sol provienen del sencillo movimiento violinista de una buena cepa joven en la ecología y en la que un taxidermista diseca brocolis un día de sol boliviano peninsular. Esto fue debido a la ciudad Lavderder que convirtio la vida en un xilofono travesero dulce con percusion perpendicular al eje transversal de una ecuacion de segundo grado.



Listen to this in a low volume:


And observe:




According to the legend, in a Lavender there was a Blissey, which was hopelessly in love with a Gengar. To their relation they opposed their types of pokemon, since their kisses were not effective and one day they decided to offer a strong amount of power to the god Arceus to let him receive kisses of gengar, in exchange for half of his special defense and she I became a ghost.

At the cost of a sacrifice of power, they could be together. On rainy days. At night, these two pokemons tend to wander through all the laundry doing their pranks.



Resting in a Pokecenter




Happy but tired, they continued on their adventure




Sunny Day






Edited by mattjkun
  • 2 weeks later...

Lavender Town. There were days he dipped his nose fondly to the flowers that lined the tombstones where his party of six were buried, and breathed deeply the memories of heated rival battles, winding Graveler-camouflaged caves, and surging Lapras seas; and, afterward, he remembered, when they were simply resting in the Pokecenter, and how he looked on them in awe, prideful of their accomplishments. Happy but tired, they continued on their adventure over crag and volcanic ash where even Brock with all his rugged rockiness could not traverse. When skies were stormed or night was deep and void of light, his Venusaur would open up its supple bloom and cast a Sunny Day on their adventures from sea to Seafoam Island to distant lands. The old man's white-brimmed red cap fell from his balding head to the grassy loam. He reached for it, old arm straining under years of throwing Pokeballs, sweat falling from his wrinkled temple like Rain Dance. He picked the heavy hat gently from the flowerbed and swept it clean of dust. He lifted his eyes to meet the hollow stare of the six Gengar hovering before him. "I'm sorry," he said, pausing to catch his breath. "I'm sorry." The Gengar hovered, cackling.

"Cold, isn't it?" He said to it with a weak smile "come to my lap, It'll be warmer, I promise."


They were lost somewhere deep inside seafoam island. After hours and hours of searching the way out, the boy gave up. He sat with his back against the wall, his head and arms resting on his knee, while his Litty - the Litwick he caught back in Lavender town - still wandering around in hope of finding the escape.


"There's no use..." He shook "Come here with me, Litty. Don't waste your energy."


"Moshi...?*" Litty looked back at him, confused.


"Please don't give up, I will find the way out. Please, master...Try not to fall asleep. Here..." Litty raised its tiny hand and created a ball of light. "Sunny day. this will keep us warm for sometimes."


Human and pokemon couldn't understand each other's language, but legend had it said that they can connect to each other by telepathy if the bond between the trainer and the pokemon is strong enough. It held true onto this case, as the boy knew exactly what Litty was telling him.


"G..Good girl...Always try to make the best out of the situation." He smiled, but Litty could see tears glittering in his eyes "I'm sorry I can't do anything to help, I'm exhausted. I'm such a bad trainer. I should've packed up some escape ropes...I shouldn't even come here at all, the idea of a legendary pokemon living in this place is just...stupid."


"No! Please don't blame yourself. Stay here while I go to find the way out, please...don't fall asleep!" Litty begged. The tiny pokemon then hurriedly ran to find the escape route, leaving its trainer behind with the glimmering sun it created.


Have you ever wished you could be stronger, so you can overcome the situation that was happening in that moment? Have you ever felt so desparate and question yourself if you had any chance to complete the task that you were given? Have you believed that you had got what it take to do it all? Very few human could say they experienced it all, left alone a tiny, first stage evolution pokemon. It roamed everywhere in the dark, cold cave to find one possible way out. With each step it took, the danger of being attacked by a pack of wild pokemon increased. It it was what happened: After an hour or more, a bunch of wild Goldbat and Zubat found it, and started attacking it.


Litty was so scared, but it couldn't let itself be hurt, because then who was going to save its master? It had to fight back, but the odds were stacked. There were too many of them. In a second of sheer struggle, it let out a gleam of fire that blasted the wild pokemon away - overheat. It collapsed to the ground, exhausted. But it got right back up, as it could feel it: the smell of the salt, the warm wind of the sea blowing through its body. It was somewhere close to the exit. Never in its life had it ran fast like that, although it had no strength left. And when it found the entrance of the cave, it was so happy: It could picture itself and its master getting out safely, it could picture that day when its trainer become the champion, and it would become the strongest Chandelure ever...


The rush of emotions through its body gave it more than enough strength to run and find where its trainer was. But when it found him, the fake sun it created had already withered. He was sitting motionless with his head on his knee.


"Master...? I found it... I found it... master..."


It cried, tried to wake him up. All the happiness, the pride and the relief when it found the cave's entrance suddenly vanished, left the Litty alone trembling in fear. It felt weak all of the sudden - must be the after effect of using overheat and wandering for hours to find the escape way. It called and called, but the boy wouldn't answer. Using its psychic power**, it saw the dream of the boy: They were together, resting in a cozy pokecenter. He was feeding it its favorite berry: pomeg berries. The vision turned blurry and shaky. Was it the boy's being weaker and weaker, or was Litty became more and more sleepy? Cold wind streamed waves by waves non stop. Slowly and weakly, it crawled to the boy's lap, the fire on its head shined up***. It closed its eyes and fell asleep. In its dream, they were in a big city - the dazzling light of the sun made it hard to realise where it was. Its master waving a shiny badge to it, the other hand weeping the sweat on his face, said with a bright smile:


"See this? This is the Soul Badge! You did it! We won!"


He then hugged it and lifted it onto his shoulder, while continue to walk toward their destined route:


"Now where should we go? I heard there's a legendary pokemon named Articuno living on an island far from the sea..."


And thus, happy and tired, they continued on their adventure... In their endless dreams, together.


The flame on Litty's head withered.




(*): Litwick's name in Japan is hitomoshi, and its cry is heard as "moshi"

(**) Litwick can learn dream eater.

(***) In the pokedex entry, it is said that when the light on its head shine up, it started to absorb the life and energy of the creature surround it.

Edited by ysimmliy

Thought i'd try something new and write an poem, all the pronunciation should rhyme.


It was an sunny day in lavender,

in middle of november.

A group was resting in a pokecenter,

that they all were happy to enter.

Happy but tired, they continued on their adventure,

not long and one girl screamed: "what a *disadventure!"

you wonder what happened, dont you?

Well heres a clue.

When they got to the seafoam,

one girl realized that she had lost her phone.

Deep down girl had an fear,

that her phone was eaten by an bear


*Disadventure - unfortune, misfortune

MayCreativityEventPicture.png.07874cd60f5018ea82a5dd647baea069.pngPhotoshopped by me :)

Edited by Vulpixy

Our adventure begins in the city of laundry. Where the Joguar and their friends continue their travels through the Kanto region. Aiming to get to Cinnabar city.


While touring lavander town, they decide to go to the ghost tower, without the slightest idea of what they have in store for our trainers.

Going up to the 3rd floor a herd of gengar and gaslty makes them enter panico and attack them without warning. Joguar and his friends (Matux Celery Lucas) run towards the tower, trying to escape the horde of wild pokemon, their fellow pokemon received damage and rattata lucas is poisoned.

The jeny officer who arrives at the tower says to them: '' go to the pokecenter where the nurse joy is, take care of them, I'll take care of the rest of the children. '' So resting in the pokecenter and all healthy, our adventurers go their way.


Already leaving laundry town and passing several routes and almost reaching the city of fuchsia city, the unexpected rockect team takes them by surprise with one of their traps, being trapped.

'' Jessie: Prepare for the problems.

James: And better be afraid.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite the peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our kingdom to the stars.

Jessie: Jessie!

James: Jame me messs me!

Jessie: The Rocket Team traveling at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! So is!

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ''


Already leaving the town and passing several roads and almost arriving in the city of fuchsia city, see that matux and its shiny eevee is ahead on the road to lose it sight. At that moment the unexpected rockect team takes them by surprise with one of their traps, being trapped.

'' Jessie: Prepare for the problems.

James: And better be afraid.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To unite the peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our kingdom to the stars.

Jessie: Jessie!

James: Jame me messs me!

Jessie: The Rocket Team traveling at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! So is!

Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ''


Everyone surprised that the team rockect stole the pokemos of lucas (ratata) celery (caterpi) and joguar (charmander shiny), entering the panic without being able to do anything, watching as the team rokect is moving away in its aerostatic balloon, to see a Exploration and watch the rocket team fly through the heavens-

'' Jessie, James and Meowth: The Rocket team has been defeated again! ''


Our happy but tired adventurers continued their adventure. Until you get to fuchsia city¡¡.

Making a stop at the pokecenter, a storm begins, this makes your departure to your destination is delayed a little, but this serves to heal your pokemons and rest.

At the end of the rain they see that there is a sunny day, they even see a rainbow in the sky and ho-oh in the sky :RowletHeart:


Our happy but tired adventurers continued their adventure. Until you get to fuchsia city¡¡.


Making a stop at the pokecenter, a storm begins, this makes your departure to your destination is delayed a little, but this serves to heal your pokemons and rest.

At the end of the rain they see that there is a sunny day, they even see a rainbow in the sky and hoohoo in the sky :RowletHeart:


Returning the way towards cinnabar city, they see many pokemon and trainers who had not seen, filling the pokedex and gaining experience in the fighting.

Little by little the entrance of seafoam, knowing that they will find ice-type pokemon inside of it, and one step away from reaching cinnabar. Already in seafoam celery captures a shiny cubchoo of a docile nature, you rain a zubat hardy, matux a shiny vanillite. and our protagonist captures the legendary articuno. with this already leaving of seafoam with new companions pokemon. When leaving alone it was a matter of time before they could reach cinnabar. Unfortunately, a terrible adventure awaits them.


See you next chapter

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