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Why does not it evolve? [SOLVED]


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Hello, hope you've had a great day!

So you have given Piloswine the move Ancient Power and it has not evolved?

Have you done a wild battle with said Piloswine? By entering a wild battle (and winning) it should trigger the evolution effect for your Piloswine to evolve to Mamoswine.


Looking forward to your reply,

Until then, hope you have a great day!


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Hello, hope you've had a great day!

So you have given Piloswine the move Ancient Power and it has not evolved?

Have you done a wild battle with said Piloswine? By entering a wild battle (and winning) it should trigger the evolution effect for your Piloswine to evolve to Mamoswine.


Looking forward to your reply,

Until then, hope you have a great day!

It has been resolved thanks

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