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Any alternative payment methods planned? [SOLVED]


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I couldn't find proper documentation on coin payments so I was wondering if any other method than PayPal was planned at least for the future? I want to donate but PayPal doesn't operate in my country so a direct credit card option like google or amazon payments etc. would be lovely. Just wanted to know if it was already discussed although I couldn't find a topic on it in the forums as well. Perhaps I simply failed to find it so sorry if I caused a clutter.



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I'm new to the game and I want direct access to membership, otherwise it's way too grindy for me. I don't have enough time to play that way, sadly. Plus I want to contribute so I'd really be happy if I could pay with something other than paypal but I guess not :(

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Hi there,


Unfortunately, right now only PayPal is receptible to donations due to legal complications. Other transactional avenues may be plugged in moving into the future; but for the foreseeable future, you must make do with PayPal if it's available in your country. As quoted from ► READ THIS BEFORE MAKING A SUGGESTION! ◀︎:

  • Alternative payment

Alternate payment methods have been suggested in the past several times before. We understand that it may be inconvenient to donate via Paypal in certain countries, but this will ultimately depend on our developer Shane's discretion, as there are limitations on his ability to accept donations from other payment methods. Apologies for any inconveniences in the meantime.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I wish for you to have a good day.


Best regards,


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