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Hello @Rgbgamer96,


I’m sorry to hear about this inconvenience; please keep in mind that PRO is a live beta. We are always trying to improve our server stability; it has improved a lot but it’s not perfect and can crash sometimes.

As stated in the Read This Before Making A Support Topic:

Lost by crash issues (Including disconnections and rollbacks)


Some times when the game crashes/stuck, you might lose your a bit of your progress. Keep in mind that game is in BETA and crashes can happen any time. You will not be given anything you lost in a rollback/crash/stuck as it's responsibility. Please take the time to read the following thread Hit by a rollback. We are so sorry for your case, however, it will not have any action go further for your case.


Also keep in mind that it is not possible to catch Zapdos in this game. Zapdos' seen data is needed to catch Mew (it doesn't matter whether you win or lose, you will still get the seen data). For more information about Legendary Pokémon in PRO, check our Legendary Megathread.


With this being said, I wish you a great day!


Edited by Armin



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