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can you help me how to fix this bug


Switching to resolution 800x600 failed, trying lower one

All resolution switches have failed

Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (800x600 fs=0 hz=0)


it make me cann't open PRO in PC,




Were you previously able to login? If yes, please try deleting all PRO files, including anything in Recycle Bin and temp files, then re-download and try changing the resolution ingame by following the steps in THIS GUIDE.

If you are not able to play the game at all, please try updating your graphics card drivers and DirectX. If that still does not help, i am afraid that it is because your system unfortunately does not meet the requirements for PRO:



Please let me know if any of that works for you, in the meantime,


Have a nice day!

i have uprated my graphics card driver and drectX 11 but it not work after all :(

ad. i have tryed to reinstall my window 7 form 64 bit to 32 bit and used https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36805 to update my pc. it work . and for you help :)

I'm glad your issue has been resolved. As there is no further use for this topic, I'll lock this thread now.


Best regards,



-Locked as Solved-


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