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Need help moving pokemon to PC (stuck in party) [SOLVED]


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Well, at best i would like to be able to deposit all my pokemon and withdraw them when i want, but i read on the other topic that it works fine after the staff's hero work.

So i have a Magikarp slot 2 and a psyduck slot 1 stuck in my party.


PS: Fun story, they were slot 5 & 6 until i decided to try store every pokemon from my party in pc, so they climb and now i really cant play x')


Thank you already.

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I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I've moved the Psyduck and Magikarp from your party to the last slots of your PC Storage. Please have a check and let me know if they are there. Looking forward to your reply.


Best regards,



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They are there, locked in like if they were from a previous region but it's not important at all. Thank you a lot for your really fast reaction, i wish you the best continuation!

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Yes, they should be region-locked and will only be available once you have beaten the 8th Gym in that region. So I'm glad that your issue has been resolved. As there is no further use for this topic, I'll lock this thread now.


Best regards,



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