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Just started playing and I got ny friend currently downloading it as well.


I was just curious how up to date is the game? Does it have pokemon from x/y and does it use that generations movesets and stuff?


Also what is a good wiki type site to use? Is smogen good? What I mean is will it have the same values as the game?


Thanks and we look forward to playing!

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Welcome to the game! Smogon is a good site to use for this. It is quite up to date, as it has the fairy types and various pokemon from all regions. The regions this game currently has are Kanto and Johto, with Hoenn in progress. It should have a couple more regions after Hoenn, I assume, opening up the availability of the other pokemon from different regions (However, the new region will not be in the game, though you can still find some of those pokemon. It will have all the pokemon in it, I believe).

Enjoy! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, either on here or in game =3

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