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Hi, i've been thinking some things that can be added, which seems to be not that hard to code, but idk. (thinking about adding moe coin shop items, so help the game to get more funds)


1) I've been playing dont starve and miner hat looks pretty, and i've thought since i need flash now since sinnoh underground were relased, a item that gives you flash also you can hotkey on game could be usefull.

2) Making a interaction to the three axe so people could find better deal when buying it. Atm its kinda useless. (could be petalburg mushrooms or something)

3) Rise the price of shinny surf mounts but giving them the speed of jetskii ones. (i would love to pay like 350k or 180coins for having a good looking mount what helps me travel faster)

4) Adding backpacks as skin. I dont really like much the wings think, My character doesnt look fine whit wings, but i've thinking that making a backpack whit umbrella on like japanese toons could be goodlooking. Or just the back pack could be amazing fit whit the sports cap like the ash ketchup setup in toon also.


Thats what i've been thinking that could help to rise a bit the cc buying.


Other minor thing that i havent defined how correctly its making some harder spawns, to give ms value. Like larvesta that its MS only in bcc. Doing the same on excavations or some other daily quests cool be good, since theres not enough reward fo having MS at some point of the game.Older players seems like they never get MS.


About In game settings, idk if its pretty hard to code, but i would love to keep the GUI scale size when relog, my monitor its kinda small and i have troubles to fix it whenever i log in.


idk its this its possible, but i used to have a few pokes and i've lost the interest of collect them all since the pc boxes are hard to arrange. so i suggest to desing an option where you can pay certain amount to get your pc rearranged in the way you want, lvl, number, or a-z. (this could help people to keep the interest to catch them all whitout having to move 1by 1 after each catch. its like an obsessive-compulsive disorder suggestion imo.)


Then by the end, as comunnity ill be glad to help if you acept to open a contribution role to make the Pro wiki full completed. theres many info missing could be nice to have it done.


by me thats all. (sry if any of those looks weird or senseless)


Img of the legendary backpack:



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