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  IDLM said:
acabo de unir mis cuentas y no me deja entrar al servidor platiado como hago ayuden por favor


Hola IDLM!


Siento oir tu inconveniente, ¿Verificaste que el Servidor al cual estas intentando entrar esta en linea?, Puedes verificarlo en Server Status!

Si aún no logras entrar sigue los pasos en esta guia!



Follow these steps and you will be fine:

1. Check your requirements.


2. Please confirm that the server is online via the official server status link here.

Sometimes, the server can go down, but the website can show it as being online. Please be patient and try to use the F5 button again.


3. Please make sure your e-mail is confirmed, as you can login in forum without a confirmation, but you need it in-game.


4. Always make sure your client is up to date! You must download a new client each time when a new update is released: Client Download Repository (delete the old client before extracting the new one). You will be given a prompt before logging in ("Out of date version") if your downloaded client is not updated.


5. If you are receiving a "Can not connect to server" prompt, the best course of action to take would be to completely close the client, relaunch it and try again. Please read carefully step 2 before you read this step. Almost most cases for "Cannot connect to server" prompt is the server being down.


If you are able to see a "Logging in" prompt and it fades, please be patient as at this point, the client is attempting to establish a connection and/or will place your account in a temporary "ghost" queue. Afterwards, you will be placed into the server at a later time without being able to see the queue box. It happens when having many people join in server, so try to restart your client and try again. It can take 3-5 times for the queue to be shown.


If you are receiving a “Server locked” prompt, then that means that the server has been locked by an Administrator and a server maintenance is imminent. So follow step 2 and wait for the server reboot to be done.


6. If after loading up the launcher (and after when you press the "Login" button) the message "Connecting to server" appears and afterwards the screen freezes and nothing happens you will need to completely close the client and open it again (it can happen 3-5 times). Also always check if the server is down!


Que tengas un buen dia!


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  IDLM said:
Pero intento entrar al servidor platino y me sale que la contraseña o el usuario son incorrectos y entre con la misma cuenta al servidor oro y ingresa normal


Cambia tu contraseña desde tu Dashboard e intenta logear denuevo, Tambien asegurate de que tu union de cuentas ya ha sido realizada con exito, Si la union no ha fallado, Ya no te deberia de aparecer la opcion de unir las cuentas en tu Dashboard.


General Support | Discord | Bug Resolution Center | Suggestions | Guilds

Do not contact staff members for private support. If you need something post it on forums.

All unsolicited messages will be sent to Wonderland without being answered.

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