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Game closes whenever i battle


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Whenever i go into a battle 5 seconds in the game just closes. Cant battle any npcs or progress with story kind of stuck. The occured after the update just to let you know was fine before

Same here after updating as soon as I go into battle and the pokeball is being thrown the game closes. I am on android, my Internet is working fine and the game was fine before this update.

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The Developer is looking into the issue. Please avoid playing until a fix is found and a new client is uploaded.

But how long is that suppose to take that's not fair every time you guys just give excuses and tell us to wait I just got out of some none sense with the autoban s2 bug and now you're telling me we can't play until the game is updated again that's bs and completely unacceptable

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I cant give an estimated time because I don't know. If we knew a solution to the problem then the client would be fixed and re-uploaded by now. All you can do is be patient. Go enjoy the outdoors, spend time with your family or friends, play a different game whilst you wait.


Going to lock this post as I can't give a better answer. More news will be found on our Discord Server.

...And all will burn, beneath the shadow of my wings.

Do not contact staff members for private support. Share your questions on the forums as they could be useful to others.

Remember to use the correct forum when posting. Unsolicited messages will be trashed. Thanks.

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