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Everything posted by Captainjones

  1. Hi there matey's! We are a guild founded almost a year ago, but since recent times we put a lot of effort in the guild so ppl would have more reasons to join, other then the Extra XP! Once we have around 70 members (65 atm) we will start with small events for guildmembers, like hide and seek or tournaments for prices! 24/7 we have members online, so you will never have to sail the world on your own! So if you are looking for a guild full of "friendly" Pirates, just in need of a guild or just want to be welcomed in a warm family, You should join us! Send a PM to me, Pokekraken or Jauwki and we will send you an invitation! You can also leave a message here and we'll try to contact asap! Yaaaarrrgh, CaptainJones
  2. Thanks! Helped a lot!
  3. 300k insta 200k insta 400k insta I'm also interested in trading!
  4. U can allways pm Mapples (normal player, not admin) in game to join!
  5. PRO Username: Captainjon Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Beginner What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Asked around! Description and Message Hi, I want to put some pics on trade for so i could sell pokemon. My 1st post went perfect but now i can't load up any pics anymore! Any suggestions? Kinds regards, CaptainJones
  6. Good luck ;)
  7. Welcome! If u want to join guild, let me know!
  8. Hi Petar! Welcome to the game! Feel free to join our guild (Pirates) and enjoy the pirate family! Grtz
  9. Yeah, Welcome to the best Pokemon game so far! grtz
  10. Hi there matey's! If anyone looking for a guild with some active friendly and helpfull players? Pm me here or in game or leave a post and u will get an invitation! Yaaaarrrgh, CaptainJones
  11. Selling decent IV and Modest Magmar
  12. Selling this magmar! Bid here or pm me in game Grtz, Captainjones
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