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  1. Thank you for replying. If stuffs want they can they can easily give me 2 rerolls back by trading. I dont think stuff will do that. They are not replying me. I know its my fault because i dont understand english very well. I feel bad for rerolls or 1.6m by selling those which i never had that much money and i am feeling regret for using my rerolls that way
  2. Why no one is replying????
  3. I didn't know 2 rerolls will be only consume for activating the service and i need more rerolls to reroll my pokmn. If i knew that before i would never take that service. The instructions made me think double reroll service will get 2 rerolls for each reroll ticket i gave.
  4. Today i bought 2 reroll ticket. I went to psychic marina and saw the option double reroll service. I read the instructions and i thought double reroll service gives 4 iv rerolls. So i gave 2 rerolls for double rerolls service thinking that it will give 4 iv reroll to my landoras. But it didn't give me a single rerolls. The only option was to load previous iv. I didnt use a single reroll before. I earned those rerolls very badly. I want to reroll my lando. So pls give my rerolls back
  5. Hey riphh312 its me whom u took lend.
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