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Everything posted by Madtrainer

  1. Madtrainer - Silver Server Reuniclus - 500K
  2. Madtrainer - Silver Server Reuniclus - 300K
  3. Madtrainer - Silver Server Darumaka - 900K
  4. Trade done! Here is the screenshot. Thread can be closed.
  5. Time is over! Winner is NHNam for 1 Reroll Ticket + 500K (1.2M) It is late where I live and I am going to bed. I will share you my Discord Tag tomorrow.
  6. Hi and welcome to this auction. Today I am auctionning this Weavile. Good luck! RULES I accept Pokedollars, Coin Capsules and Reroll Tickets. - Coin Capsule = 400K - Reroll Ticket = 700K No fake offer. You cannot cancel your offer. The auction will last 48 hours after the first bid (Starting price). Starting price: 1M Minimum bid: 100K Insta price: 2.5M
  7. It looks like I won. You can contact me on Discord. My tag =====> Madtrainer#8526
  8. Madtrainer - Silver Server Beldum - 2M (Start offer)
  9. Madtrainer - Silver Server Volcarona - 1.5M
  10. Happened a lot to me too. Some 100-200 hours guy not knowing anything about pricing and pming you and telling you your Pokemon is trash and worth nothing. And you know what? Of course I sold the Pokemon for the price I wanted. Auction house could indeed help with that.
  11. Madtrainer - Silver Server Volcarona - 1.1M
  12. It is an event Pokemon form. There is many events in PRO. We are actually in summer event, and with that event come quests, new maps and some Pokemon forms. You just have been lucky to find one. There is other forms, like summer Darumaka which is a bit rarer. Congrats! Good game. =3
  13. Madtrainer - Silver Server Volcarona - 900K
  14. Madtrainer - Silver Server Volcarona - 700K then
  15. Madtrainer - Silver Server Volcarona - 600K (Start)
  16. Madtrainer - Silver Server Snivy - 4.2M
  17. Madtrainer - Silver Server Snivy - 4M
  18. Madtrainer - Silver Server Snivy - 3.8M
  19. Madtrainer - Silver Server Snivy - 3.6M
  20. Madtrainer - Silver Server Snivy - 3.2M
  21. Madtrainer - Silver Server Snivy - 2.6M
  22. Madtrainer - Silver Server Snivy - 2.1M
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