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Posts posted by Ayvazar

  1. Stop make the game easy and casual


    They already put the number of evolutions of Latios / Latias to 300


    The number of hours for a lot of pokemons is lower than before.



    ONE TIME ; we have a quest which is A BIT hard and you complain about it ? You like when everything is easy ?




    So no ; GG the staff pour for this quest ; i like it.


    I am waiting 200 Psy Gems + 200 Fly Gems + 160 IVS Poke for Lugia btw


    don't confuse luck with difficulty.

    • Like 1
  2. Love Island has a bunch of headbutt trees that spawn the baby pokemon, and quite frequently I will find Magby, Smoochum and Elekid, a lot of the times all of them and sometimes more than one in a single trip, they are quite common. Also Naero Boss rewards baby Pokemon.


    There other Legendaries with much more tedious and time consuming requirements, but that is a given as Legendaries should have difficult requirements to catch for balance. It should not make sense for anybody to easily catch a Legendary even though they are available, the challenge and grind is all what comes with MMO's, especially a Pokemon MMO.


    we are talking about 350+ evolves, 601+ caught data, 100 gems with 150 iv pokemon which legendary is more difficult than this can you please enlighten me? I have been farming smoochums and magbys @Love island for actually more than 1 month, which you said spawns the baby pokemon frequently, and got no 150+ ( btw at max you get 3 of one kind in 1 day I am really not sure about how you define "frequent")


    350+ evolves, 601+ caught data, 100 gems are already a lot but I am okay with it because you can grind it maybe you can add time requirements to make it more endgame worthy. But that iv requirement is imo ridiculous and lowering 150 ivs to 140 ivs or 145 ivs, as you did it with genesect, really wouldn't hurt in terms of difficulty of getting three birds. (again in genesetcs case you had 20 mins you can catch a lot pokemon to try for that 150+ ivs, which is 140 now, but now you need to farm one specific tier "itseems7butactually9.5" pokemon).


    Instead of repelling those pokemon you can consider lowering its iv requirement for the third one to 140 or 145 whichever you like it.

    • Like 6
  3. Please reduce ivs for the third bird baby, 150 is A LOT for a tier 9 poke, make it 140 or 145 :(

    I have been farming for almost 1 month and still have no 150+ ivs, cant you lower it to 140? gems are okay since they are obtainable but this iv thing is total luck

    • Like 3
  4. I tried my 296 speed unburden hawlucha with flying gem against a scarfed magnezone with 239 speed. It used hp fire against me and I used acrobatics. I hit 48 damage and it hit me first. Then on the second round I used acrobatics again and I hit first (unburden is working) however, the damage it did is 41 damage. Now acrobatics normally has 55 power and with flying gem it needs to be boosted 1.3x. Without item acrobatics has 110 power or simply needs to be boosted 2x. So my damage for second acrobatics should have been (48/1.3) * 2 = 73.84. This is something needs to be looked over at. And also a suggestion unburden should give a message like speed boost ability when its activated. Also gems should give a message like berries.

  5. I think this might be already on the do list but I wanted to remind you guys that if we are able to see the stat changes like in the showdown that would be nice.




    Also while I am at it, I would also like to remind you the weather status in battle is bugged.


    And there are some pokemon like krookodile and masquerain (there might be more) which their stats are not fully updated.


    Krookodile in game stats:



    Krookodile normal stats :



    Masquerain in game stats :



    Masquerain normal stats:


  6. Hi to all,


    You announced "Guild ladder will be updated every 10 minutes automatically from now on. There are no manual updates anymore."


    Since it is now automated can you put the PvP rating of a guild into its guild info so that guilds that are not in ladder can see their ratings. Now there is no way of learning our guild's PvP rating if it is not in ladder. That would be really nice for players and guilds. For me seeing our pvp point in the game would encourage me to do more pvp and would increase our guild's synergy.


    Thanks for consideration.

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