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  1. y a otros les alcanza para armas de combate
  2. por eso mueren tantos niƱos de hambre,
  3. the server is crowded, the blue server is needed up now
  4. only whit rarecandy the time of leveling is the same, in other case: evolved pokemon or pokemonwhiout evolution requiere more exp in each level
  5. you are making win to play in the faction of the admins, and pay to play for the users, because you block the creations of new users
  6. this topic is complety hilarius, the faction in the real world is a antagonic relation of power based in the capitalism"imperialism", in were the server(red, blue, green and the color of the raimbow) have the power of all, and in other hand the "people" that are alone in their phone playing like stupid, making donation"thasing money" to win anything. it is all the faction
  7. this game is founded in a psycological problem of neurotics obsesib
  8. to win you need pay again, this is you are a losser and need "donate"(pay)
  9. im now in a ban, then i dont matter anything in the red server unless i have wining the 2 elites four. i really like the game and if there are 2 servers i will be all time in the lattest, if are 3 servers i will be everytime trolling in the latest. the reason is i never spend money in games. im a player of everything, and if you are a donner you will allways donate to win me welcome to the hell i will win in the new server
  10. Its needed other server
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