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About Nicktarbell
- Birthday 08/06/1987
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I'll be on once they're back up tonight
did you lose the battle? i believe the lady at the front desk of the school asks you to go back to pallet town and talk to the rivals mom if you did.
yeah just add me when you get on ill be on for a few hours
message me when the servers back up
Selling all of these for cheap toss me an offer 10k+ 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 1 2
First off this is not a suggestion to add the ability to catch legendary pokemon. This suggestion is something i got an idea about from Reds poll https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6608 I believe custom regions would work well but worry that they may not have the depth or legitimacy that base game regions have. My suggestion is this: Add new regions where you embark on in depth quests regarding legendary pokemon. For an example we already have a custom Mewtwo in the game, it is based off the anime where Giovanni has scientists clone Mewtwo from a fossil of Mew. As we all should know though, in the anime Mewtwo breaks free and begins the first movie "Mewtwo Strikes Back." I believe PRO would benefit greatly from adding new content to the game, loosely based on the anime. We could have a great quest line to follow Mewtwo to a new small region and stop him from destroying everything. It also gives a great opportunity to add him as a seen pokemon in our pokedex (the Gio fight does not add Mewtwo's data). But most importantly, it gives an excellent opportunity to add more valuable items and moves to the game that have not yet been implemented. In my opinion obtaining a rare item feels more rewarding from an epic quest than from spending a bunch of money to purchase or farm it as a random drop for hours. We could also use this as an advantage of adding more move tutors and tm traders, after completing the quest it could unlock valuable moves that are not yet implemented. Of course this shouldn't stop with Mewtwo; we have yet to see Lugia or Ho-oh, and barely got much of an introduction to Johto's legendary dogs. Id love to go on a journey uncovering their story, and the regions don't even have to be brand new, they can simply be maps added to the existing maps (ever wonder what is north of Ecruteak city?) Of course i feel the base regions should be a priority, but weaving something like this in between regions would keep everything feeling fresh. Example: Adding a Deoxys quest line where we travel to Birth Island a couple month after Hoenn is released, but prior to Sinnoh.
I agree with this. I think it should be implemented that after the first time you defeat them, you must talk to them to fight them again instead of just being in eyesight.
I have been looking to join a guild recently but havent found any I feel I can relate to until this one. Id love to join you guys. Im usually active every day and focus on hunting competitive pokemon.
Mega Stones - First of all having Mega Stones being an extremely rare drop from their respective pokemon is not a good suggestion. Mega Stones should be something you feel are earned and be one time only items. They should come from strong quest lines, defeating epic bosses, and hunting quests. Having them be a .1% drop rate or less is way too much RNG and would make several extremely lucky people rich and many players distraught at their hours upon hours of hunting. Toxic Orb - Now, while I understand people suggesting Gligar to hold the toxic orb, its not a well thought out suggestion. I understand a Gliscor with Poison Heal is one of the best competitive toxic orb holders in the game. However, Poison Heal is a hidden ability. Gligar is not a poison pokemon, he is ground and flying who happens to have a poison referencing hidden ability. If Gligars hold the toxic orb, 95% of them will get badly poisoned at the start of the battle, showing they hold the rare item, and start dying. The toxic orb should go to a much better candidate. The handhelds currently have Muk with a chance of holding the orb, a very low chance at only 1%. This would be a much better pokemon to hold it in PRO - he is uncommon and hunting for one would force you to still spend a long time trying to obtain this item. Life Orb - Absol should hold this. Fits well and the handhelds even currently have him with small chance of holding one. Considering he is a rare pokemon this would allow a 5% hold chance to keep the items rarity still very rare. Flame Orb - This is a great candidate for many of the uncommon/rare fire pokemon. Ninetails or Arcanine personally would be good pokemon to hold it, but Magcargo in Johto would also be a reasonable hold pokemon. Lucky Egg - Low hold chance on Chansey. The exp boost may want to be taken in consideration for a nerf however, possibly from 50% down to 20%. (exp in general I feel needs a change however, to make it flow better and not be so chunky as it is atm.) Air Balloon - Drifloon is a perfect candidate to hold this. Assault Vest - This should be added for sure, however a good pokemon to hold it would be a good discussion to start. It may be best as a vendor item or quest reward. EXP Share - I do believe this should be added, even though it may be one of the 'never added to PRO' items. With exp working the way it does, exp share would only share a small portion of the exp to a much lower level pokemon, making it still take a long time to level that pokemon. However, the exp share should never be a wild held item, it needs to be a one time obtainable quest or achievement reward. (achievement reward as in: 200 hours played and 150 pokemon caught, obtained from an oakes aide.) As for the 20% increase type items (soft sand, never-melt ice, metal coat, ect.) are any of these not currently in the game? If so they should of course be added to a respective typing pokemon.
I agree with all of these except for the infinite use TMs. They are too much of a needed gold sink. But I do believe all TMs should not be a 1 time aquireable item. You should be able to farm or buy all the TMs that exist, although some should of course be tougher to obtain.
When trying to evolve my Haunter earlier today I ran into this issue. I had a tough time finding someone reliable to trade with, but i have to disagree with the suggestion. I feel Evo trading is a great way in an MMO to meet other players and make friends. It gives us another reason to talk to others and develop trust with other players. That being said I think allowing you to trade to an npc to evolve would take away from the online aspect of this game.
It can work, but the stubbornness on the subject needs to be alleviated
"just get a few pokes that have good IV's and voila, you have yourself a full 31 IV comp in a matter of days." With my method best you can do is a 1x31 IV/natured pokemon OR a 2x31 IV pokemon. None of this 6x31 IV pokemon(If thats what you implied). My method adds more depth to a great game and allows an alternate method to players getting their competitive pokemon team ready. And as a note you must consider, youre giving up TWO pokemon that you captured for this bred pokemon. That is one with a perfect 31 IV and one with the correct nature. The baby could come out even worse! The other stats are randomized and its IV spread can be even lower than the 31 IV you used to make the baby. The big response I see is that it will cripple the economy, yet i strongly disagree. I'd really like a clear vision of how this method could harm the economy.
Sinnay, I completely understand the points you're making. The devs thoughts and cares on this game are great and I appreciate how hard they try to give us a great game to play. However some of the points I've made fit very well with the points you make. 'Our game concept is formed in a way that players should work hard, to get good pokémon, and should grind hard, to complete the game. So hunting is what makes this game what it is, therefor it wouldn't fit into our game' My method of adding breeding does NOT take away from the hard grind of hunting. Hunting will still be there, to be honest it will be even more in depth. Not only will we continue to hunt pokemon with decent IVs, well be hunting pokemon for that perfect 31 IV, for a desirable nature, held items, and for their egg moves. And, as I stated before, wild caught pokemon will not become obsolete, this is merely an additional in depth part of the game to help obtain a desirable pokemon. Players have a much better chance of catching a common pokemon with a desirable nature and great IV spread in the time of breeding one that has a CHANCE of having decent IVs. WE will still be working hard to get good pokemon, this form of breeding is not a free way of getting an overpowered pokemon. 'economies die when breeding gets overused.' I agree which is why I made points in my post about money. It will not be a major gold sink, but at the same time, there's absolutely no way of earning money directly from the game through breeding, only through player trading. My point being that as long as there is not a hefty amount of money going to or obtained from the game, the economy will stay steady. 'Another thing is the competitive part that we are working on that will suffer under breeding ingame - as people will be busy breeding all day and have stronger competitive pokémon to offer, which will eventually make our economy break because of the price differentials.' This is the major point I will argue with. Competitive? This form of bred pokemon does not give much of a benefit over wild caught pokemon. A 1x31 IV natured pokemon is not overpowered, but competitively does feels nice. For most players those stats alone are able to be settled with. These pokemon that can be bred to this extent can be caught in the wild reasonably as well. Where it does give a benefit are very rare pokemon. My method will allow players to actually breed that pokemon they spent hours hunting, but when captured had a terrible IV spread. Also breeding all day? #4 is the counter to this. It will take time to breed, most players will have to spend alot of time with that egg in their party hoping that when it hatches it comes out with a decent IV spread. Breeding would be something that players don't have to spend too much time doing, they will be able to get back to hunting and the story and competitive battles. Lastly the price differentials: again breeding pokemon this way will not make them overpowered. It will add many more pokemon to trade however, and bring back Ditto! Your adamant Ghastly with 31 Spatk and terrible other IVs will actually be trade able now.
Zezu, I read your post and thank you for having concerns about breeding. I do feel that some of your points however can be better, and this is why I am posting these ideas. I truly feel this is a perfect form of breeding that the Devs should consider. It sticks true to pokemon breeding and balances it with the MMO scene.