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Posts posted by Hart1dechu

  1. 299637
    284032 Guild Master: Can promote up to Officer and demote to Initiate.

    Officer: Can promote to Member and demote to Initiate. Can invite/kick users to and from the guild.

    Member: General guild member rank. Cannot do anything.

    Initiate: New guild member. Cannot do anything.


    Wait what ? how an officer who can invite and kick, can be promoted to member, who can't invit and kick ?

    Or u mean, that officer can promote users ?

    its like vice leader

    Oh! thx for answer x)

  2. 284032 Guild Master: Can promote up to Officer and demote to Initiate.

    Officer: Can promote to Member and demote to Initiate. Can invite/kick users to and from the guild.

    Member: General guild member rank. Cannot do anything.

    Initiate: New guild member. Cannot do anything.


    Wait what ? how an officer who can invite and kick, can be promoted to member, who can't invit and kick ?

    Or u mean, that officer can promote users ?

  3. Is that normal, when someone suicide in first, the ennemy lost his turn ?

    Like if a talonflame with 1hp, use brave bird, and die, but the ennemy's pokemon still alive, we can't attack, even if this attack isn't offensive like stealth rock ?

  4. Re: Selling decent jolly h.a Dratini


    <r><QUOTE author="quanle92"><s>

    </s><POST content="297731"><s></s>297731<e></e></POST> <QUOTE author="Hart1Dechu"><s>
    </s><POST content="297636"><s></s>297636<e></e></POST> i start<br/>

    in case if no one offered, and i'm stuck 500k, "no time limit" what happens ?<e>


    Tyvm, ya got the b.o now <E>:Smile:</E> FYI, I may cancel the auction. I've been inactive recently.<e>



    Ah :/</r>

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