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Everything posted by Zeskyr

  1. Sold IG, can be closed.
  2. Hi @twFrisk ! Sadly staff can't bring back to Eevee, When an evolution is done they can't recover it. Sorry man :( !
  3. Hi man ! You can ask here to de level your poké : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65717-url Remember Piloswine evolve only if he know the move Ancient Power :), Have a nice day !
  4. Try to encounter a poke just before climbing the waterfall or, use a repel that works too :p !
  5. You can go there to ask for a deleveling for your poke :) : https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/65717-url Have a nice day !
  6. Stored power on Reuniculus is a 8G move (Learn by TR) , so you can't learn it in PRO because we use 7G moveset. Sorry mate
  7. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest : Hamazon Friendliest : Balthyr Funniest : Pikachu85 Coolest : Silverage Player of the Year : Pandattack Most Talkative : Fafouney Most Trustworthy : Cosanostra Most Helpful : Alixx7 Most Missed : Gozerpokemon (since he joined Gold server) Most Influential : Waleed1301 Most Intriguing : Gdarch Most Experienced Player : Liyaine Best/Funniest Username : Chibineko Most Professional Guide Maker : Kaminokage Most Professional Discord Moderator : Waleed1301 / Vector STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper : Aspheric Best Artist : Sirmeo Best Content Scripter : Yamette Best Community Coordinator : Keita Best Moderator : Caged Best Trade Moderator : Tigerous Best Tester : Wideswing Best Game Master: Epiales Best Admin: Eaty Best Developer : Shaolan Best Staff Username : Chariot Most Professional Staff : Epiales Most Dedicated Staff : Shaolan Funniest Staff : Sirmeo Friendliest Staff : Sirmeo / Yamette Most Honorable Former Staff : Waren (bae ♥) Most Missed Former Staff : Neroli Love you all, wish you the best year as possible for you and your family ♥ Take care, See you on Discord ♥ Zeskyr, Frenchy boy
  8. Bump
  9. Bump
  10. Hi guys, I want to sell this little man : Start B.O : 800k Bid > 200k min, Reroll IV = 600k CC= 300k There is no Insta. B.O will end 24h after the last bid :) Good luck and have a nice day guys
  11. I suggest : Altaria Land mount Kindra/Whiscash surf mount.
  12. You can get ticket from Suspicious Bot too if you Win 40 times in a row.
  13. You can also buy it with PVE coins, you can gain some of them from Boss, bug catching, battle tower or Underground by example :)! Have a good day !
  14. NOT EXACTLY THE SAME BUG : I want to say, on my second account, i had a bug, and some french guys got too. I did the quest and just caught darkrai he had 20 speed, on the Reroll preview it showed me 05, so i declined the Reroll but my Darkrai just reset into 05 speed, personnaly i don't care about it, just to inform you, you're not alone.
  15. Auction over, Wedantara won for 150k, can you pm me on discord at @Zeskyr#7555 or in pm on the forum ? @Wedantara
  16. Bump, 9Hours until auction ending
  17. @chinoguada , Offer is 150k atm, do you want to bid at 200k?
  18. Ok :) ! Auction ending in 34h
  19. Hi guys, want to sell this good Kabuto :) ! Start offer at 150k Bid : 50k min, Ending 48h after the last bid ! Good luck guys !
  20. OK wont Bid anymore lmao
  21. 400k + 1 CC ?
  22. Lmao nice one @PrezervaTHIEF
  23. Hi guys i want to sell a Serperior HP Ice like it's said in the main title : Start B.O at : 400k There is no Insta, Minimum raise : 50k Auction ending 24h after the last bid , Gl and HF :) !
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