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  1. wow,a beautiful shiny goomy
  2. thanks a lot,i think i know the reason why i cant catch jirachi that i dont finish johto pokes catching,thank u so much !
  3. hello,i want to raise my question that i can't catch the Jirachi . When i followed the quest of Jirachi and finished ,i found i couldnt catch Jirachi.As is shown in the pictures,i promised i check too many times in this quest of catching Jirachi(has been found latios and latias),please give me some help!!thank u ! ID:DdDDOS SERVER:silver
  4. 什么时候leave Mirage land,i found the rare candy and master ball in my bag...and before i stay in mirage land and leave,i used to fight in stark mou cave but relog coming back to pokemoncentre.so why my rare candy and master ball disappear?my id is DdDDOS in the red server
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