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Everything posted by Sideline

  1. Thx man, means alot
  2. Thanks man! I appreciate it
  3. Sounds good man
  4. Both would be sufficient, if you find a nature which is better suited for the battle all around then thats really good, the purpose of this boss guide was to try to do boss's with roughed up underdog pokemon so not every nature or move will be completely efficient ( Also because i make mistakes)
  5. Yeah Ive lost motivation for a bit but im currently working on it, including rewards, thank you for feedback
  6. my clefairy doesn't
  7. Nah I think that will probably do, because the speed boost is going to boost it anyway.
  8. Yeah ahah im stupid thats what im meant
  9. SideLine's Alpha Pokemon Shop This is my pokemon shop, for me selling PVP ready, boss ready, mostly epic pokemon. These pokemon are no joke and are a force to be reckoned with, my ingame name is SideLine, my discord tag is #6868 so pm on any of these or reply to this with your offers [spoiler=The alpha pokemon] Salamence: Epic IV, H.A Moxie, Jolly Salamence - Negotiable Price: N/A , Offers that are worth this pokemon only. PVP Ready, Boss Ready Tyranitar: Sand Stream, Adamant, Epic IV - Negoitable Price: 800k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Ninetales H.A Drought, Timid, Epic IV - Negotiable Price: 350k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Honchkrow H.A Moxie, Adamant, great IVs - Negoitable Price: 500k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Clefable Magic Guard, Mostly Epic IV, Calm - Negoitable Price: 300k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Hydreigon Timid, Epic IV - Negoitable Price: 300k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. Scizor Technician, Adamant, Epic IV - Negoitable Price: 150k. PVP Ready, Boss Ready Conkeldurr Sheer Force, Adamant, Great IV, Max attack - Negoitable Price: 475k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. [spoiler=Mad Pokemon] Gengar Epic IV, Timid - Negoitable Price: 350k PVP Ready, Boss Ready, Mega Ready. Forretress Sturdy, Max defense - Negoitable Price: 250k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. Weavile Jolly, Great IV - Negoitable Price: 400k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Azumarill H.A Sap Sipper, Max attack, Adamant - Negoitable Price: 275k Boss Ready. Gyarados Moxie, Jolly - Negoitable Price: 120k Alakazam Modest, H.A Magic Guard, Great IV - Negoitable Price: 400k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. Dragonite Adamant, Great IV - Negoitable Price: 200k Boss Ready, PVP Ready.
  10. I’m not on at the moment but I will be later so when I do we will discuss buying
  11. SideLine's Alpha Pokemon Shop This is my pokemon shop, for me selling PVP ready, boss ready, mostly epic pokemon. These pokemon are no joke and are a force to be reckoned with, my ingame name is SideLine, my discord tag is #6868 so pm on any of these or reply to this with your offers [spoiler=The alpha pokemon] Salamence: Epic IV, H.A Moxie, Jolly Salamence - Negotiable Price: N/A , Offers that are worth this pokemon only. PVP Ready, Boss Ready Tyranitar: Sand Stream, Adamant, Epic IV - Negoitable Price: 800k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Ninetales H.A Drought, Timid, Epic IV - Negotiable Price: 350k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Honchkrow H.A Moxie, Adamant, great IVs - Negoitable Price: 500k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Clefable Magic Guard, Mostly Epic IV, Calm - Negoitable Price: 300k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Hydreigon Timid, Epic IV - Negoitable Price: 300k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. Scizor Technician, Adamant, Epic IV - Negoitable Price: 150k. PVP Ready, Boss Ready Conkeldurr Sheer Force, Adamant, Great IV, Max attack - Negoitable Price: 475k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. [spoiler=Mad Pokemon] Gengar Epic IV, Timid - Negoitable Price: 350k PVP Ready, Boss Ready, Mega Ready. Forretress Sturdy, Max defense - Negoitable Price: 250k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. Weavile Jolly, Great IV - Negoitable Price: 400k PVP Ready, Boss Ready Azumarill H.A Sap Sipper, Max attack, Adamant - Negoitable Price: 275k Boss Ready. Gyarados Moxie, Jolly - Negoitable Price: 120k Alakazam Modest, H.A Magic Guard, Great IV - Negoitable Price: 400k PVP Ready, Boss Ready. Dragonite Adamant, Great IV - Negoitable Price: 200k Boss Ready, PVP Ready.
  12. you interested chief?/
  13. Boss requirements: I think requirements should either stay the same or be slightly buffed, by maybe adding some sidequests to do every 12 days before you do the boss, I.E for brock maybe you have to get a certain geodude with the right nature or minimum ivs that are OT, though that might become tedious. If thats too much to ask, id say keep them the same. Difficulty: Since bosscrits make me cry and flame enough, im not looking to get banned from the community because of an increase in difficulty, as some bosses are actually quite difficult on their own, however if you could relate the prize to the difficulty, it would be reasonable to increase difficulty, I.E in you third time, you choose the prize before the battle, this decides the difficulty on the battle and therefore allows people to get a more specific goal to work towards sidenote, maybe adding more superbosses to work towards, as I like the idea of superboss but only working on one can limit the fun of it. Cooldown: Cooldown is alright at the moment, however maybe adding a temporary cooldown medallion ms, or maybe after beating them three times, either increase or decrease the time span as both have their reasons. Also maybe if you choose your prizes before the battle, increase the cooldown based on difficulty. This is all speculation and probably won't be acknowledged, however its coming from someone who gets bare salty at this game so take it with a pinch of salt.
  14. Welcome to SideLines "Cheap pokemon boss guide" The purpose of this is to show how to beat bosses with pokemon that are very easy to find and level up. I have seen many boss guides that have become very helpful to me and other people, however finding these required pokemon, especially with my luck, had become a pain since I was spending hours on end looking for one Tier 9 just for a sync fail or terrible IVs, or for the guide to tell me something that should happen, and doesn't happen. So this is my guide on how I beat certain bosses with pokemon that are very easy to find. 1). Disclaimer 2). Pokemon Guide 3). Leveling up pokemon guide 3). Particular Boss Strategies. [spoiler=Needed Pokemon] 1). Pelipper This is the staple in this team, and by far will be the most used pokemon, this started off as a backup to when I followed other boss guides, and whenever they went wrong I ended up using pelipper and sweeping the boss, ever since this has pretty much done most bosses and is a very easy to get pokemon. This pokemon as you probably know is very easy to find, It took me like 5 wingulls to catch a decent one. I recommend running what playstyle you suite, I prefer offensive playstyles so I went with quiet nature, however bold, calm, modest are also viable options. With EVs I went 252 DEF and 252 SPATK however with other natures switching SPATK and HP Is also a decent setup, or maybe only EV training DEF and SPDEF, however be careful, because you might not be as hard hitting. The moveset is pretty standard, Roost for healing, Stockpile is probably the most used move, as it is used for setting up, Hurricane for STAB move and Surf for STAB move. 2). Gliscor Gliscor is one of our star players due to its typing and its access to Roost. As soon as I got this pokemon, I actually started to beat bosses, again this is required for the team and I will constantly repeat how useful its typing is. This may seem as if it is difficult to find, but get a pokemon with headbutt, go to route 11, 27, 46 have an impish sync natu, and just headbutt all the trees, this was the first one I found out of 8, amd its IVs arent even that great however it still sweeps, honestly isn't hard to find, and if you fail to find one, it is only a days wait. With gliscor impish is pretty much mandatory because swords dance when setting up covers the attack stat enough to be able to sweep. Left overs is again used just so we counteract the small amount of damage done to us, this could be enough to allow us to use a roost if we get to low. Earthquake destroys bosses and acrobatics is a very good stab move ( Wing attack is also very good but it is an egg move which requires beating naero). Anyway this is a golden player. 3). Clefable Clefairy is what I like to call a multitool, this thing is honestly a truck, and hits like 4 of them, you probably know yourself how well this thing does due to its SPDEF and its move pool. This took me the longest to find and unfortunately even though the IVs are good, I wont be able to use it in PvP so thats kind of a bummer, however I can destroy bosses with it. This is a tier 2 pokemon in route 115 (the route above rustboro) so I caught two boxes of them and sifted through the good ones and bad ones. As you can tell leftovers is my favourite item and is very useful. The moveset is moonblast for attacking, calm mind and cosmic power for setting up, and soft-boiled for self healing. The only downside to Clefable is that it takes 12 turns to setup, this means its more likely for a crit to hit, and for Clefable to die, because crits in pro ignore setup moves, other than that this thing is a beast. [spoiler=Side Pokemon] These pokemon although aren't in the required section, they are most likely necessary due to backups and sweeping with pokemon that might be more effective. 1). Seaking This is very common in defeating bosses and you probably already know why we would use a seaking (THIS COPIES OTHER GUIDES IK) Goldeen is tier 1 pretty much everywhere but Tohjo Falls it is the only thing you can find, bring a modest sync and an electric type to test if its hidden ability or not, I found it being much quicker and I ended up finding like 5 in half an hour, you also don't need good IVs at all, thats what the setup agility and lightning rod is for. This obviously baits out the oponent to use electric type moves just for it not to have an effect on us, and boost our SPATK so we end up sweeping. Signal beam is for coverage against grass types various other types, Surf for STAB, Agility to setup us and get us up to MK 6 speed, and icebeam for coverage, also it should be holding a nevermelt ice, which can be found on swinubs, to boost ice beam. 2). Yanmega Yanmega is a very recommended sweeper to have on the team, as we will be using it to stall on bosses to max our speed, or just gradually outspeed things if we can't stall Yanma is tier 3 in sinnoh safari area and tier 4 in route 35, however the best way to do it is headbutt on routes 3,15, 28 and 34 with a timid sync. This pokemon because of speed boost becomes a sweeper, and is very recommended to have, and is very useful because of this feature for starting of and finishing. The only problem with Yanmega is that it is frail. Run Bug Buzz for stab, Air slash for stab, aincient power for coverage against fire and psyhcic to get rid of posion types and ghost types, however you can switch psychic with what you wish, you can run roost if you want, however if you get hit you are most likely going to get K.O'd. This pokemon here is defintely a valuable sideline. 3). Alakazam Alakazam is an OKAY alternative to yanmega as it gets good speed of the bat straight away however it is also extremely frail and a very big risk to whether you will outspeed or not. Abra is tier 6 in most places which is higher than Yanma, it is also a lot more frail on the defensive side. I would run Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball and psyhcic this pokemon is really only my plan B when it comes to bosses, and more of a gamble to whether it will be effecient or not, I will rarely talk about this pokemon but none the less, if you have an Alakazam already I wouldnt worry about getting a Yanmega. 4). Azumarill Azumarill can be very important if you have one, as it is quite easy to obtain and has access to very good setup moves Marill ranges from tier 4 to tier 6, but mainly is around tier 5, so they might be a little harder to find, I would recommend sitting there with a adamant sync and grass type pokemon waiting for it to say it has Sap Sipper. Then you would want to run Surf for STAB, Play Rough for STAB, Defense Curl and Amnesia for setting up. This thing acts as a "bait pokemon" just like Seaking and lightning rod ability, it encourages bosses to use grass type moves on Azumarill, which only benefits us, I won't use azumarill often but when we do it's because its the only way. [spoiler=Harder To Get Pokemon] These pokemon are a little harder to get but by chance if you already have them or are willing enough to put a little more time into getting them, they will definitely help out alot in this guide. 1). Honchkrow This pokemon is an absolute knife in bosses because of its high attack stat, and very useful moveset. Murkrow is tier 6 inside Old Chateau Dining Room in sinnoh's eterna forest, it took me around half an hour to get a h.a one, I sat in their with an adamant sync and a pokemon that has hypnosis, and tried on each murkrow a couple of times and if it fell asleep it means it didn't have insomnia, this means that it could have h.a. I would run Sucker Punch, Assurance, Wing Attack and Brave Bird, (This is the pic before I got brave bird) Honestly if you don't have this I wouldn't bother but it will make some bosses a lot easier, also the Battle Boss - This is necessary 2). Rotom-wash/heat This pokemon is a static encounter at this point of making the video, you just need to have beaten sinnoh. Both these Rotoms are very good and can handle a lot of bosses on their own, however their moveset is very poor and I only mention this for a last resort pokemon. The way to get this static encounter is here. The moveset recommended is Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Charge and the third is up to you (This is not the final moveset in the picture) Tbh Rotoms moveset doesn't allow for much freedom with bosses, if it were able to learn any moves that allow setup then it would be good, but other than that this thing is a last resort tank. I only recommend Wash and Heat versions because they get the best moves upon levelling up compared to the other rotoms. 3). Weavile Weavile is a one hit pokemon where it is very rare that you will get more than one hit out on a pokemon before dying, we only use it for final hits as we have a pretty much guarantee outspeed with its very high speed. Sneasel is tier 6 in mt. silver exterior, and it did not take me long to find, I would recommend a jolly sync, mine failed however and I didnt want to wast these IVs. A life orb is also recommended for this pokemon. So Moveset is Ice punch, Ice Shard, Low Kick or Brick break and knock off. This pokemon is extremely frail so I only recommend it if we are super effective against it or for a final blow on a pokemon. BOSS GUIDE
  15. Welcome to SideLines "Cheap pokemon boss guide" The purpose of this is to show how to beat bosses with pokemon that are very easy to find and level up. I have seen many boss guides that have become very helpful to me and other people, however finding these required pokemon, especially with my luck, had become a pain since I was spending hours on end looking for one Tier 9 just for a sync fail or terrible IVs, or for the guide to tell me something that should happen, and doesn't happen. So this is my guide on how I beat certain bosses with pokemon that are very easy to find. 1). Disclaimer 2). Pokemon Guide 3). Leveling up pokemon guide 3). Particular Boss Strategies. [spoiler=Needed Pokemon] 1). Pelipper This is the staple in this team, and by far will be the most used pokemon, this started off as a backup to when I followed other boss guides, and whenever they went wrong I ended up using pelipper and sweeping the boss, ever since this has pretty much done most bosses and is a very easy to get pokemon. This pokemon as you probably know is very easy to find, It took me like 5 wingulls to catch a decent one. I recommend running what playstyle you suite, I prefer offensive playstyles so I went with quiet nature, however bold, calm, modest are also viable options. With EVs I went 252 DEF and 252 SPATK however with other natures switching SPATK and HP Is also a decent setup, or maybe only EV training DEF and SPDEF, however be careful, because you might not be as hard hitting. The moveset is pretty standard, Roost for healing, Stockpile is probably the most used move, as it is used for setting up, Hurricane for STAB move and Surf for STAB move. 2). Gliscor Gliscor is one of our star players due to its typing and its access to Roost. As soon as I got this pokemon, I actually started to beat bosses, again this is required for the team and I will constantly repeat how useful its typing is. This may seem as if it is difficult to find, but get a pokemon with headbutt, go to route 11, 27, 46 have an impish sync natu, and just headbutt all the trees, this was the first one I found out of 8, amd its IVs arent even that great however it still sweeps, honestly isn't hard to find, and if you fail to find one, it is only a days wait. With gliscor impish is pretty much mandatory because swords dance when setting up covers the attack stat enough to be able to sweep. Left overs is again used just so we counteract the small amount of damage done to us, this could be enough to allow us to use a roost if we get to low. Earthquake destroys bosses and acrobatics is a very good stab move ( Wing attack is also very good but it is an egg move which requires beating naero). Anyway this is a golden player. 3). Clefable Clefairy is what I like to call a multitool, this thing is honestly a truck, and hits like 4 of them, you probably know yourself how well this thing does due to its SPDEF and its move pool. This took me the longest to find and unfortunately even though the IVs are good, I wont be able to use it in PvP so thats kind of a bummer, however I can destroy bosses with it. This is a tier 2 pokemon in route 115 (the route above rustboro) so I caught two boxes of them and sifted through the good ones and bad ones. As you can tell leftovers is my favourite item and is very useful. The moveset is moonblast for attacking, calm mind and cosmic power for setting up, and soft-boiled for self healing. The only downside to Clefable is that it takes 12 turns to setup, this means its more likely for a crit to hit, and for Clefable to die, because crits in pro ignore setup moves, other than that this thing is a beast. [spoiler=Side Pokemon] These pokemon although aren't in the required section, they are most likely necessary due to backups and sweeping with pokemon that might be more effective. 1). Seaking This is very common in defeating bosses and you probably already know why we would use a seaking (THIS COPIES OTHER GUIDES IK) Goldeen is tier 1 pretty much everywhere but Tohjo Falls it is the only thing you can find, bring a modest sync and an electric type to test if its hidden ability or not, I found it being much quicker and I ended up finding like 5 in half an hour, you also don't need good IVs at all, thats what the setup agility and lightning rod is for. This obviously baits out the oponent to use electric type moves just for it not to have an effect on us, and boost our SPATK so we end up sweeping. Signal beam is for coverage against grass types various other types, Surf for STAB, Agility to setup us and get us up to MK 6 speed, and icebeam for coverage, also it should be holding a nevermelt ice, which can be found on swinubs, to boost ice beam. 2). Yanmega Yanmega is a very recommended sweeper to have on the team, as we will be using it to stall on bosses to max our speed, or just gradually outspeed things if we can't stall Yanma is tier 3 in sinnoh safari area and tier 4 in route 35, however the best way to do it is headbutt on routes 3,15, 28 and 34 with a timid sync. This pokemon because of speed boost becomes a sweeper, and is very recommended to have, and is very useful because of this feature for starting of and finishing. The only problem with Yanmega is that it is frail. Run Bug Buzz for stab, Air slash for stab, aincient power for coverage against fire and psyhcic to get rid of posion types and ghost types, however you can switch psychic with what you wish, you can run roost if you want, however if you get hit you are most likely going to get K.O'd. This pokemon here is defintely a valuable sideline. 3). Alakazam Alakazam is an OKAY alternative to yanmega as it gets good speed of the bat straight away however it is also extremely frail and a very big risk to whether you will outspeed or not. Abra is tier 6 in most places which is higher than Yanma, it is also a lot more frail on the defensive side. I would run Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Energy Ball and psyhcic this pokemon is really only my plan B when it comes to bosses, and more of a gamble to whether it will be effecient or not, I will rarely talk about this pokemon but none the less, if you have an Alakazam already I wouldnt worry about getting a Yanmega. 4). Azumarill Azumarill can be very important if you have one, as it is quite easy to obtain and has access to very good setup moves Marill ranges from tier 4 to tier 6, but mainly is around tier 5, so they might be a little harder to find, I would recommend sitting there with a adamant sync and grass type pokemon waiting for it to say it has Sap Sipper. Then you would want to run Surf for STAB, Play Rough for STAB, Defense Curl and Amnesia for setting up. This thing acts as a "bait pokemon" just like Seaking and lightning rod ability, it encourages bosses to use grass type moves on Azumarill, which only benefits us, I won't use azumarill often but when we do it's because its the only way. [spoiler=Harder To Get Pokemon] These pokemon are a little harder to get but by chance if you already have them or are willing enough to put a little more time into getting them, they will definitely help out alot in this guide. 1). Honchkrow This pokemon is an absolute knife in bosses because of its high attack stat, and very useful moveset. Murkrow is tier 6 inside Old Chateau Dining Room in sinnoh's eterna forest, it took me around half an hour to get a h.a one, I sat in their with an adamant sync and a pokemon that has hypnosis, and tried on each murkrow a couple of times and if it fell asleep it means it didn't have insomnia, this means that it could have h.a. I would run Sucker Punch, Assurance, Wing Attack and Brave Bird, (This is the pic before I got brave bird) Honestly if you don't have this I wouldn't bother but it will make some bosses a lot easier, also the Battle Boss - This is necessary 2). Rotom-wash/heat This pokemon is a static encounter at this point of making the video, you just need to have beaten sinnoh. Both these Rotoms are very good and can handle a lot of bosses on their own, however their moveset is very poor and I only mention this for a last resort pokemon. The way to get this static encounter is here. The moveset recommended is Hydro Pump, Thunderbolt, Charge and the third is up to you (This is not the final moveset in the picture) Tbh Rotoms moveset doesn't allow for much freedom with bosses, if it were able to learn any moves that allow setup then it would be good, but other than that this thing is a last resort tank. I only recommend Wash and Heat versions because they get the best moves upon levelling up compared to the other rotoms. 3). Weavile Weavile is a one hit pokemon where it is very rare that you will get more than one hit out on a pokemon before dying, we only use it for final hits as we have a pretty much guarantee outspeed with its very high speed. Sneasel is tier 6 in mt. silver exterior, and it did not take me long to find, I would recommend a jolly sync, mine failed however and I didnt want to wast these IVs. A life orb is also recommended for this pokemon. So Moveset is Ice punch, Ice Shard, Low Kick or Brick break and knock off. This pokemon is extremely frail so I only recommend it if we are super effective against it or for a final blow on a pokemon. BOSS GUIDE
  16. I made a boss guide and im slowly working on it, i saved it, how do i re-open the draft i saved?
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