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About Nick558

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  1. when you forgot which post your in....is it to late to counter bid for the magmortar? :T
  2. Re: EDIT: Selling Shiny Dratini (Instant) !!! <t>lol lemonmaster xD anyways i agree with xrevolutionx94 a start over on the auction would be nice since i just notice this auction just now :)</t>
  3. 1m for magmortar
  4. Re: PvP Ready Epic Skarmory / Leafeon <t>i was to late Dx i'll miss you my lil leafeon </3</t>
  5. Oh hey look another botter lmao whats a botter o-o
  6. Re: WTS Epic's Blissey, H.A Talonflame <t>oh what when :c</t>
  7. Re: WTS Epic's Blissey, H.A Talonflame <t>2.7m <3 blissey</t>
  8. Re: RUKittenMe??? ~Yellow server~ <t>1. What is your current play time? <br/> 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro :3 <br/> 3. Cats or Dogs??? (this is most important....) :OOO<br/> 4. What are your goals in pro?<br/> 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? x3<br/> EXTRA CREDIT: Would you be able to join discord :O<br/> <br/> 1. i only have 34 hours but I'm very active ; o ; <br/> 2. i like pretty much everything about it to be honest but if i had to pick a main thing i'd say making friends since everyone seems friends to begin with :3<br/> 3.dont send cat ninja on me but i like dogs more...but but but i got a reason for why. I just have a lot of bad experience with cats. they bait me in with their cuteness then as soon as i let my guard down they strike me like a bitch<br/> 4. to be the richest person on the server and gain the title by everyone "rich kid" like the npc from the game xD<br/> 5.ummm...Take me to church I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife~ (hope that answers your question ;3)<br/> 6. yes i'd be cool with joining discord</t>
  9. Re: Secret Shop (PVP,EPIC,SHINY,HIGH LVL POKES)(TRAINED AND UNTRAINED) <t>i'll be on the forum all day so next time you reply i can get on so we don't end up saying whose on at diff time if that makes sense xD</t>
  10. Re: THE BEST GENGAR IN GAME (1 day left) gl <t>ima just end this with my last offer 8m</t>
  11. Re: Vergessnheit's PVP shop! H.A talon, epic blissey . and more <t>700k on blissy :)</t>
  12. Re: THE BEST GENGAR IN GAME KABOOM <t>5.5m :)</t>
  13. Re: THE BEST GENGAR IN GAME KABOOM <t>4.5m :o</t>
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