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About Discoe

  • Birthday 03/07/1999

Discoe's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Nice! It looks great. Btw Jolteon is one of my favorite pokemon too.
  2. Hey Shock, I'm sure this game will be very fun for you. So good luck on your journey in the PRO world.
  3. Can you directly exchange coins? I'm fairly sure you can't
  4. Hey Rickachaws, nice to see you're enthusiastic. But be careful Brock is a tough customer.
  5. Hey, enjoy the game. Plenty of new experiences to add to your collection here.
  6. After you lose you must wait 2 weeks
  7. It says on the front page the game is in beta, and that implies there will be bugs errors and crashes, it is unfortunate but it happens.
  8. No, you could make a new account on the same email though
  9. Hello Hurtwolf, this game is so much fun! Remember if you get stuck the forums have plenty of information to utilize
  10. I would say what prevents this is that good pokemon are extremely rare, and once someone gets what they want they become much less likely to sell more of them. Also since the market is a lot of supply and demand and since not everyone is selling all the time it prevents it a bit. Once a 24/7 market arrives pokemon will lower in value depending on how much the market is flooded by them, but this will also make rare pokemon a bit higher since they will always be proportionally less available
  11. I swear someone working on this game has a great grasp of economics all choices involving the pokedollar, even with escape ropes create sink holes that prevent the value of the dollar from depreciating and creating a harder environment to get ahead, and making any purchases less meaningful.
  12. Hello Tsumi, its always fun to get involved in the community. Also its cool that you work in a kitchen, my personal hobby aside from gaming is cooking.
  13. The staff are of course trying what they can to prevent this, they love the game too! It likely does take time and work, so be patient. This also won't necessarily provide a perfect solution, but hopefully stabilize it.
  14. Before entering the cinnibar gym you need to go through the mansion and get a key at the end. Until then the gym is locked.
  15. Sometimes clicking join doesn't always work perfectly. If the background freezes after clicking it there is likely a connection error of some sort, and restarting the client and waiting can solve this. If nothing seemingly happens when clicked, sometimes it is joining just slowly, sometimes I have to click it a few times to get it going. Also the player count is not always accurate so be weary. Sometimes it just takes some patience and luck.
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