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Everything posted by Raidyacjp

  1. Switching to resolution 1280x720 failed, trying lower one Switching to resolution 1280x720 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1280x720 fs=1 hz=0) quando teremos a atualização para corrigir isso?
  2. When will you get another update? to correct the resolution? here on my pc nothing i do to open i game works. nothing works out
  3. Switching to resolution 1280x720 failed, trying lower one Switching to resolution 1280x720 failed, trying lower one All resolution switches have failed Screen: DX11 could not switch resolution (1280x720 fs=1 hz=0) How did you solve this problem?
  4. Re: Cant install the latest version altough its downloaded <t>This is the same thing that happens to me and the same as LuisnandoBR<br/> Please someone has a solution for this?</t>
  5. I just started on sinnoh and now need to upgrade to the latest version, but it will download, but I did not open the game. speaks that the resolution will not April. I have already tried all the resolutions of my pc. what do I do?
  6. I just started on sinnoh and now need to upgrade to the latest version, but it will download, but I did not open the game. speaks that the resolution will not April. I have already tried all the resolutions of my pc. what do I do?
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