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Posts posted by Haneroze

  1. Hello~


    In Sootopolis City Gym B1F, it is possible to get stuck near Beauty Olivia on the large ice puzzle. By making her move one tile south, then sliding into her from her east, it will no longer be possible to move anymore, forcing either a relog or use of an Escape Rope.



    1. Beauty Olivia is available to fight.


    Steps to Reproduce:

    1. Proceed to the stairs above Beauty Bridget and Connie in Sootopolis City Gym B1F.

    2. Step up into the ice, then left, down, left, up, right, up.

    3. As soon as Beauty Olivia stops looking down, move left then down.

    4. Wait until Beauty Olivia challenges the player and complete the battle. She should move one tile down.

    5. Move right, up then left into Beauty Olivia.


    Current Result:

    It is no longer possible to move in any direction.



    - After the issue occured, talking to Beauty Olivia is strangely only possible using the Left Mouse button, not with the Spacebar button.

    - It is possible to move again after using an Escape Rope. As it can only be reproduced once per week, the other possibility, Relogging, has not been tried but is assumed to work as well.


  2. Even then, it's a pretty abbreviated bug report '^'. A full version would also have reproduction steps, reproduction rate, Current/Expected Result, perhaps keywords too~ But that gets too complicated for a front-end environment, so I skipped (っ'ヮ'c)



    Anyway, I found another case of soft-lock, happening again underwater.


    This time, it's in Route 130 Underwater, with Diver Cordura. Standing very far east in the area pointed by the screenshot, the game soft-locks again and behaves exactly like for Diver Yutaka. I'm thinking the cause might be because they move too far from their spawn point, as it does take a good while for them to reach me after a relog.


    On a side-note, I've also tried using an Escape Rope during the soft-lock. It does bring you back to the Pokemon Center, but you still remain unable to move until relogging.


  3. Hello~


    In Route 126 Underwater, if you speak to Diver Yutaka while standing far enough south of the route, the game will soft-lock, as in he will not say anything, no battle will start, yet it will not be possible to move anymore, leaving the only possible option to relog.


    The soft-lock only occurs when standing in the area pointed in the screenshot. He will behave normally if he is spoken to from anywhere north of that area



    -This bug occurs regardless if he is available to fight or not, and regardless if it's him that challenges the player or not.

    -This bug was also reproduced on both my main and my alt accounts, so there doesn't seem to be any other factors for the bug to occur.

    -Unlike when you're in a dialog, it is possible to use items and reorder the party. Using an Escape Rope may also be possible.


  4. 1. What's your Player name?


    2. Number of hours played?

    350 +hours

    3. What's your favorite Pokemon?

    All Pokémon are my favor

    4. How old are you?


    5. When's your Birthday? (Optional)

    Nov 14

    6. Discord account



    If any mistake , pls tell me . Even in the game or real life. I will learn more and respect , thank you


    Hello Thor, thanks for applying! I've sent you a PM with our Discord link~

  5. I would believe the one who wrote the Kanto wiki is the same as the one who is writing the script for the game, as that "strange" vocabulary is also used in-game.


    Said vocabulary seems to be old British. I actually investigated on one of the weird words to know if it was indeed a real word or even its right usage. And while I was amazed it was actually the correct usage, I discovered that it was a word that was only used in the 15th century. I'm actually impressed someone knows such a wide range of ye olde british words, but it does indeed make the wiki unnecessarily hard to read.


    Anyway, I don't have such vocabulary, so you can at least expect the pages I'm editing to be normal English. I don't plan on going over the Kanto pages, but at least, when I'm copy pasting because of similar content, I make sure to actually fix the vocabulary.

  6. Adding more suggestions... Since the Guild island thread was closed before our leader could edit his post with all our suggestions (´・ω・`)


    We see the Guild Island as a place for everyone to assemble together, and it could notably be the perfect place to do a Guild Photo. However, most members don't have the required hours or completed regions. It would be nice to have the entrance of the Guild Island available to everyone without restriction, being a place for members to chill together and wide enough to pretty much hold everyone for a nice Guild Photo. This area would only have the basic features (Pokemon Center, basic Pokémart, ferry NPC) and the main features of the Guild Island would be in other areas that would be blocked with the playtime and completed region requirements.


    Another problem we face is that our guild is split into two guilds, so members on the main guild wouldn't be able to meet members of the second guild on the island. It would be nice to be able to link two guilds to the same island. Of course, that wouldn't be cheap, I'd say each guild also needs to pay their 20m to be linked to the main guild.


    Finally, a smaller, less important suggestion, I'd like to see the price of the Guild Island split in multiple payments. As in, you'd still need to pay 20m to unlock the full island, but by paying only 5m, you could unlock a small part of the island, say only one area for hunting pokemons (and no Move Tutor yet). This would allow smaller guilds to still be able to make a bit of use of the feature, as well as to get the feature introduced gradually.

    • Like 2
  7. Lots of really nice features I see, makes me hype!


    Regarding the User Bank, or most particularly for the Pokemons, it would be nice to make use of it to finally be able to organize pokemons. At the very least, splitting the Pokemon Storage into multiple boxes that we can rename, and being able to easily move around the pokemons too.



    I would also like that organization feature to extend to the in-game boxes, so that we can organize the in-game boxes from the website. Now, given that the in-game boxes are running on the limitation that it's essentially just an ordered list of pokemons, organizing it can't be as efficient as the bank, but it can still made significantly more efficient than in-game. I would see the following options (but not necessarily all of them):


    -Click and Drag a Pokemon to either exchange position or to place it in front of a particular pokemon (I prefer the latter)


    -Automatic ordering of specific positions (for example, ordering positions 91 to 150 (boxes 7 to 10) by National dex number, so that it doesn't mess up the manual ordering already made in boxes 1 to 6). This option could also have an Undo option, in case you made a mistake.


    -Better search (Name, level, total IVs, total EVs, type, region, etc.)


    -Different preview display. In-game, the preview display shows: Name, Level, type(s) and Shiny. The preview might be different on the website, but it would be nice to say, instead of showing the level, show the total IV points, the gender or the region, etc.


    -Mass deleting and auctionning a pokemon could be created in the same inferface.

    • Like 1
  8. Greetings everybody




    1. What's your Player name?



    2. Number of hours played?



    3. What's your favorite Pokemon?



    4. How old are you?



    5. When's your Birthday? august **

    i want to join the clan because im playing alone :PixiuRIP:


    Hello Fabio~ I've sent you a Discord invite. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  9. Personally, I'm not a fan of hour-based cooldown for dailies. The problem is that they force us to keep a routine, and if we break that routine one day and do it a couple hours later, you end up having to keep up a completely different and probably undesired routine, or skip a day to return to your routine.


    I've played a game that had a lot of daily activities. How they handled it was that every day at a specific time, all dailies reset. Quests and Bosses that you can challenge 1-3 times per day, gets reset. Daily mission, gets reset. Certain activities cycle and change at that specific time too. It was all set to happen at 5 AM, when pretty much everyone is sleeping.


    I think such a system would be beneficial for PRO. You wouldn't need to keep a daily routine, you'd just need to do your dailies at any time during the day. If you usually do something in the morning, but you're too busy a certain day, you can simply do it in the evening, and the next day you can return to morning.


    Now, at which time the daily reset happens, I don't think it matters too much. The game I was talking was aimed for a japanese audience, so for me, it was actually happening in the middle of the day, at 3-4 PM, and it didn't really change anything. It could also be possible to let the player set the time manually, with restrictions if the player wants to change that time.

  10. There's still too many risks of gaining accident advantage of it. You might think you can survive, but receive Crits or get some nasty status effect and die early anyway. If you use Protect in the middle of the Perish Song Cooldown, it's too late to judge that you're going to die or not.


    The safest way to not gain advantage would be to trap only on the last turn. And then again, you'd still need to survive that turn, as even if you use Whirlpool after the opponent's turn, there's still chances to die from Poison damage or something like that, and still gain unfair advantage.


    So it's best to just stay away from that combo until the trapping issue is fixed.

    • Like 1
  11. Even if you intend to only switch out on Turn 3, it's also possible that the opponent takes out your Azumarill before Perish Song trigers. If that happens, he should be saved and be able to switch out, however because of the bug, his Pokémon is still doomed to die.


    In that case, even if you intended to keep playing fair, you have still gained advantage from the bug.

  12. Hello~


    According to the Legendary Megathread, Ho-oh only spawns at the top of the Bell Tower once the player have obtained the Seen Pokédex entry for all three of the Legendary Beasts, Raikou, Entei and Suicune. I went there with my alt account (EidenKarta) and without meeting a single of the Legendary Beasts, Ho-oh was at the top tower and available to fight.


    This surely has to do with a recent change, as I've heard today it was possible to fight certain Legendary Pokemons again for their Caught data. The Ho-oh was level ?? (probably 120), indeed gave me the Caught Data, as well as ~10k Pokedollars and 2 revives.




    Is this intended behavior, or should the new Ho-oh indeed not spawn until the requirements for the original Ho-oh has been fulfilled?

  13. Hello~


    So, after 500 hours of gameplay since picking my Hitmonlee from Saffron's Fighting dojo, I decide to finally return to the two Move Tutors in Route 4 (Mega Punch and Mega Kick tutors). I show my Hitmonlee to the Mega Kick tutor, but he refuses to accept it as the Pokemon he wants to see before offering his services. I am unsure if it does not recognize my Hitmonlee because of some factor like it being too old or because the Tutor itself broke.


    Possible causes:

    - The Hitmonlee is very old (~500 hours of gameplay / ~3 months)

    - I had already captured an Hitmonchan from Mt. Silver.

    - I had shown the Hitmonlee to the Mega Punch tutor first to see if there could be a special reaction.

    - I was carrying Hitmonchan at the same time the first time to see if I could unlock both tutors (the Mega Punch tutor also did not accept Hitmonchan, I'd assume by design).



    - Hitmonlee has been left completely untouched since it was obtained.

    - Even after removing all my party and talking with only Hitmonlee, he refuses to unlock Tutorship.

    - Of course, relogging and relaunching the client did not fix the issue.



  14. 1. What's your Player name? Crazychris03


    2. Number of hours played? 110h


    3. What's your favorite Pokemon? Gardevoir. My favourite legendary is Lugia


    4. How old are you? 17


    5. When's your Birthday? (Optional) January 3rd


    Loving the game so far, hope to continue my journey in a lovely guild!

    1. What's your Player name?



    2. Number of hours played?



    3. What's your favorite Pokemon?



    4. How old are you?



    5. When's your Birthday? (Optional)



    Just got into sinnoh. Look forward to hearing back from you.


    Hello~ Thanks for applying!


    I've sent both of you a discord link in PM. Looking forward to seeing you!

  15. I'm not sure about the error. However, I've asked Naero about updating the spawn tables, since I was having some trouble with that too.


    It seems that because the spawn tables take a huuuuuge amount of data, it is only cached once every two weeks to prevent lag. As a result, even if you make changes to the spawns, the respective pages will not be immediately updated. If you make an error, well that error is unfortunately going to stay for 2 weeks. So you have to make extra sure that everything is clean!


    I've confirmed that my changes were correctly applied 4-5 days ago, so the next update will happen in a little more than a week.

  16. That's just a display glitch. I believe how it works is the following:

    1. You use Flare Blitz. The game detects that you've won, so it automatically updates your HP to how it should be after the battle ends at the same time that it drops the Golbat's HP to 0.

    2. The game then sees you take Flare blitz recoil and updates your health to how it should be after the damage.

    3. The game then activates Leftovers, and updates your health to how it should be after the heal.


    At 2, because your health is already updated to post-battle, it makes it look like you actually take damage a second time with Leftovers value (1/16). However, you did not take more damage than you should have taken, it's purely a graphical glitch.

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