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Ta7esh last won the day on March 9 2021

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Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. Thank you for your interest we've been trying to contact you for some time but it seems the discord id is mistyped anyhow please pm me if ur still interested Ta7esh#2412
  2. @Shinoharai didnt hear back anything from you including posts from frucht and others in this page. Waiting for ur feedback since u mentioned its the last day.
  3. Hello there, we will contact you shortly
  4. Hello Keita, this is a very good thread ( staff - player relation ) to avoid confusion I will start with the positives. I really respect your professionalism in your responses in some cases and your will to always find a way to improve, but I will tell you why there isnt any kind of trust towards staff including you. I agree with Mcshittier about the RMT thing and how long it takes to be handled on a side note it feels bad for the ones being banned for 6 months lets say and then theyr proven innocent, which basically makes the process not credible, you handled a case once about someone responsible of RMT due to the main staff that was handling it being afk (Q8) iirc the player stayed banned for almost 6 month until you came and helped him and removed his ban due to lack of evidence, after a while he gets a contract to be on staff and is fully qualified, as soon as you see this you request him to be kicked just because he was banned, and his ban wasnt justifiable, why would you kill the goals or the dreams of this player especially after all he faced and he showed loyalty to pro and willingness to help ? how would this player ever respect or trust you in this ? Another personal case I applied for staff twice, the first time you rejected me with 0 reasons and you replied in almost a month or so, I took it with an open heart and pmd you and I recall my words telling you " i'll consider you as a brother but I would appreciate more transparency on whats needed to fit the requirement," the only thing you did was say brother? (seemed sarcastic to me) and I never heard from you anything about this matter. which gave me a very bad impression about you, like if you really wanna close to the player the minimal thing you could do is answer a simple question. Yea i know youve made this thread now for this but dont you think its a bit late? it's not that easy to build trust after several disappointments. Before I applied for a second time many close friends pmd me and told me dont bother, Keita hates you, I laughed it off and re applied but yea same thing no clear response no transparency, I mean ive been in pro for almost 4 years been guiding a guild for some several years, always willing to help bla bla... after this time I pmd you and asked you about this case about if i should ever apply to staff or shall I wait till the ones that hate me are no longer there you said something i dont know i havent seem them yet etc..) it was obvious that you were trying to play it subtle, so i didnt really bother myself to apply or anything, but what I made sure of that staff will never be on good terms with the players if they keep acting as if they are above them knowing the players are the customers for the game not the other way round. You'll come with " I hate you ? why would I ? lol well we all know a famous incident happened last year where a staff member disrespected a country I wont say names regarding this as I dont want another fiasco... so I made a clear announcement in my guild about spam reporting this player/staff and it got leaked to you and other staffs something I dont consider as leak cause it was part of the plan, point is we only received one thing from you " if 1 / 20 players reported its the same" well excuse me its not cause weve seen many cases where suggestions, reports...) gets neglected thats why many went for the report. okay let me go with the flow okay 1 or 20 players wouldve given the same result, the result was " the player has been punished" and in the same time this player stayed as a staff and still does the things he does etc... I mean after reading this can you trust yourself? i dont really know what you were trying to do but I assure thats not the way. Lying to players or giving false hopes especially in such cases, just makes staff and you look corrupted to be honest. Finally, if someone wants to be close to players he should probably play the game ? correct if im wrong how would you know what we go through if you dont play it ? how would you make close connections if your sitting on a high hill throne ( sorry this is how I see staff in general ) I barely saw any staff down to earth or willing to listen to player or giving him advices to be honest. Thank you and sorry for any inconvenience in advance.
  5. Hello sorrý for the delay, if your still interested let us know why you chose predators
  6. This thread sums up everything we request regarding pc box, WHY is it still untouched from 3 years!! And staff ask why there is tension between player base and staff?? Yes its on the to do list, but comen 3 years ?? Please we need a clarification of this neglection and if anything will happen let us know how or when or anything. Thanks in advance,
  7. Gibla H.A Summer Sold!
  8. Sorry mate the pc was set on a very fair rate, lower than that could be considered a loss to us considering that its fully ready ( ev trained + lvl 100 ) Let us know if you would like to purchase it for the market price (150k) that is set! Have fun!
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