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Posts posted by Ta7esh

  1. very interesting thank you so much for your time, and what if i encountered an umbreon for example ?


    Yes you do have a point regarding Flamethrower it ususally takes everything out

  2. First of all I would like to know paralysis reduces 50% of the Pokemon speed or 75% ?


    Dragon Dance increases speed +1 stage aka 50% ? does that mean if my poke is paralyzed and i had DD it would be equal ?

  3. Alright many thank for your reply and yes it does happen to me i deleted nd reinstalled but it happens again I'll notify if it happened again after this post

    • Like 1
  4. it's not possible to remove the self damage moves from shiny.


    Even on regular, removing them all mean change all level spawn, you would totally screw up game balance.


    Max can be done is try to remove the most hunted one.


    ahhh you meant its impossible to remove self harming moves, i thought you meant its impossible to encounter a self harming wild poke. Yes i do agree but i would suggest if they can change the moves learnt by the pokemons since there might be offcorse more than 4 learnt by the poke why to teach them self harming ?

  5. I was pvping and suddenly the chat are not refreshing i cannot text, but i was able to swap between them and the poke time nd RL time was moving properly. what is this ?

  6. Wow I wish if there were a guide back then when i first started pvping, this is awesome and very clear and this is the best guide! at least you didn't mention like most useless writers do " use togekiss... flinch them to death " you wrote a clear concise guide! keep it up and start doing intermediate and advanced guides.

    • Like 1
  7. Sure, I might try in summer when I try out this game again unless I get bored as usual. I have nothing to prove as a player but I'll make sure to hit you up if the meta is fun enough to play in so I can try laddering once. And no, don't ever run scarf Mamoswine, it's just bad. There are reasons to why you are at 200 rating and that might be one of them.


    Sure if thats what you say Mr.top ladder

  8. HAHA


    No. If you don't have a single * clue about anything pvp related then you should not partake in decisions regarding what's best for the pvp in a game. Unless you either have laddered on showdown or in PRO then your opinion is completely worthless no matter how you twist it. That goes for any pvp discussion in any pokemon game. Why would anyone care about an opinion of someone who literally can't get ladder in a game where there are only a handful of players who know what they're doing. That's why if you don't enjoy the boring meta and competetive spirit of this game you can prove yourself worthy to make decisions based on showdown laddering experiance. Also, below 300 would be considered low ladder imo, maybe even below 350. Literally anyone can get ladder in this game no matter how bad they are in this game which is the sad truth. There was one terrible guy for example who managed to get a spot after wasting his life on playing 1.8k games in a month which proves my point about not even every ladder player knows what they're doing and just click click click. If you haven't proved your ability to pvp then you can obviously speak your mind but it has no place in the actual discussion between those who actually want to improve the game and know how to do so. But that is another discussion in a thread called PVP Council.


    Also, you made several responses about how rain is unfair.


    "Im stating that the main problem is with rain not with Manaphy. "


    "Exactly in fact I mean both of what youve stated. Manaphy is annoying with rain however the core problem here is " Rain "



    Rain in all its glory has no contest because:


    -many abusers (Swift Swim, Rain Dish, Dry Skin, Hydration)

    -most abusers are water type, so they get an extra x1.5 to their already STAB water attacks,

    -so Swift Swimmers essentially have a +1 to water attacks and +2 to speed in rain

    -no miss Thunder and Hurricane

    -fire attacks' base power reduced by 50%, making steel, especially 4x fire-weak steels like Ferrothorn and Scizor, excellent teammates "




    Oh and "I didnt get your comment regarding mamos speed? and Scarfed Mamo is for ada nt jolly inorder to hit Max attack. " just no. Do not do that unless you are bad and want to lose / give free rating to others.


    If you want to reply trying to show what an actual problem is and why, give legitimate reasons to why and not obvious cons about it that a baby can see and make replace false statements with true.


    "Chansey is the only counter maybe to Rain team, but yea it can be dealt with yet even electric typing cant directly deal with them. even if he started with pelipper there is no way he wont switch in for another pokemon if he was facing an electric pokemon. "


    So first you say Chansey is the only counter to rain which is false. There's ferrothorn, tangrowth, rotom-wash, weather changes, gastrodon, amoonguss, breloom. But then you also contradict yourself.


    Last but not least, pokemon is not necessarily balanced all the time. Wether it is balanced right now in this game can be discussed. That's what this thread is for. But just look at different showdown tiers and how they always ban things depending on the meta with zygarde in OU as one of the most recent bans. A meta in pokemon needs to be balanced after bans and it has always needed that. In this game this was sadly never the case and which is why monsters like Bisharp without team preview, Talonflame, Dugtrio(arena trap), Gothitelle (shadow tag), Blaziken (speed boost) and now Manaphy. Luckily they have dealt with all these mons in some way, but some of the changes took way too long time. My point is, do not be ignorant and think that pokemon always is balanced.


    Well this is your opinion and if your that easy to ladder up im waiting to see you in top 5 atleast.


    And if you havent tried a certain strategy like Mamo with scarf why are you even discussing it. anywyayz we are out of topic.


    I would like to debate with you some other day only if you take things more seriously.


    Have a good day

  9. Just like a pelipper wouldnt stay in front of an electric type, the same would be from a torkoal/ninetales to a volcarona, letting it setup qds if youre not hypnosis/yawn/roar is just and im sorry for the vulgar expression, plain stupid. Again you're using anecdotes with "Ive tried it before" to prove your point on a general topic, that is worthless information that should easily be neglected.


    Chansey is definitely NOT the only counter to rain as basic balance cores between chansey/phys def tang or options like tentacruel, mantine, slowking are all great against rain, ive told this before, i dont know why you're ingnoring it.


    Yes i get your point regarding other rain encounters... we lost the point of the debate here.


    using anecdotes is to create some kind of credibility.


    Have a good day

  10. Youre not being very fair to the other weather's at all, saying just use eq to deal with sand is ridiculous, the same can be said for rain then, just use electric move on pelipper and its all good, also ferro isnt really a switchin to excadrill at all, adamant +2 soft sand eq does 75% min to max def ferro and the best it can do is leash off a power whip or lecch seed + tect, either way hes getting about 60% at best hp off of drill, not countering it at all.


    How does volcarona deal with sun at all? Volc gets ohkod by entei banded sacred fire and darm's scarf flare blitz, not to mention that heatrani is definitely easy to deal with between these same pokemon's coverage with stomping tantrum and superpower respectively.


    Kingdra does have safe switchins to it, chansey is probably the best, spdef ferro actually deals with it, unlike excadrill, and even options such as av azu, slowking, mew and mantine are all good examples

    Volcarona with 1-2 Quiver dance at the beginning infront of ninetails or Torkoal ( in the abscence of yawn ) can deal enough damage to take out entei and the whole team Ive tried it before or atleast creating a big gap.


    Chansey is the only counter maybe to Rain team, but yea it can be dealt with yet even electric typing cant directly deal with them. even if he started with pelipper there is no way he wont switch in for another pokemon if he was facing an electric pokemon.


    As agreed pokemon is overall balanced and nything can be countered with the right strategy

  11. K, so first of all... [ATTACH=full]68162[/ATTACH]


    "and out-speeding it with Mamo earthquake" Scarf Mamoswine next scarf togekiss, great invention by the PRO community which is just as good :DDDDDDDDDD.

    And to all of you who think the problem is in rain; rain sucks, get over it. I would never use rain unless if it was to examine how many people would be trash enough to actually lose to it without getting haxed to death (or just hyper offense users with lacking ways to deal with rain).


    Now as I probably said before, the problem with manaphy is that it forces you to centralize your team building around it and once people start abusing it. Even if it is rare now you just get 1v6 swept by it unless you predict your opponent with your faster soft checks like latios (if your team isn't prepared for it that is). Obviously every team has some weaknesses but all it takes is for a good player to use it while laddering and the low ladder goons will follow and it'll end in a boring meta full of stall/semi stall (people who want to stall it out with pp and weaken it with hazards), semi stall and a bunch of rain users who just want to click click click and get rating with manaphy. The few players who don't follow the norm will just have to take the L more often just because of how the meta sucks for their favourite archeotypes. This is the worst case scenario. I'm not stupid enough to think that every noob will start spamming Manaphy rain or stall just to win but it will definately get a lot more common and I can see another idiot make a thread called "Ban chansey, it counters my entire manaphy rain team and is not balanced".


    So the conclusion is that Manaphy is the issue and not rain. If you're that scared of rain and want to run offense you can always run chansey offense even if it's really lame. It's been a thing on the showdown ladder for a while. Balanced teams can also just run a few walls to cover rain abusers so there aren't really any well built teams that lose to it except hyper offense which also can be somewhat adapted to face rain with. Ever since team preview has been a thing and the weather bug got fixed (I think?) we have all the tools needed to beat rain. Also, even if you do think rain is the problem, is your solution to ban an entire playstyle? No, and problems like these have been fixed time and time again in different games, battle simulators. From what I've seen rain has never been a problem. Sadly there will always be people who cry for no reason because they simply don't know how to deal with an archeotype :(


    Edit: Leave things be for a while and if people do start using Manaphy more frequently then it should be up for discussion on wether it deserves a ban or not among the ladder players (as even in the top 25 on both servers there are bad players, low ladder should not partake in decisions regarding bans. Omw to bump the pvp council thread).


    I didnt get your comment regarding mamos speed? and Scarfed Mamo is for ada nt jolly inorder to hit Max attack.


    And im nt into banning anything, its the total opposite im stating that Manaphy can be countered.


    Moreover i was trying to clarify the difference between Manaphy with rain and without Rain I was trying to understand which one is the main problem.


    Each weather has its own pros and cons but surely rain is the best.


    Finally, I disagree with you about who should state their opinions regardless of the rating and just fyi I am currently mid half Pvper ladder with 199 rating stopped 2 days ago pvping cause of lack of game time. But my point is; its rude to neglect peoples opinion and freedom of speech.

  12. Rain in all its glory has no contest because:


    -many abusers (Swift Swim, Rain Dish, Dry Skin, Hydration)

    -most abusers are water type, so they get an extra x1.5 to their already STAB water attacks,

    -so Swift Swimmers essentially have a +1 to water attacks and +2 to speed in rain

    -no miss Thunder and Hurricane

    -fire attacks' base power reduced by 50%, making steel, especially 4x fire-weak steels like Ferrothorn and Scizor, excellent teammates

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