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Everything posted by Theraptor0g7

  1. Re: Margaux's Insta Shop *reduced prices and added new pokemon* <r>Taronflame 2m <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  2. Re: Timid JOLTEON [PVP READY] <r><QUOTE author="Sabo"><s> </e></QUOTE> Salut merci pour ta sur-enchère, le prix de réserve est atteint, si personne ne ré-enchéri avant, tu seras le gagnant ! <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> Vive la France !<e> </e></QUOTE> ok super c francais ^^ <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  3. Re: Timid JOLTEON [PVP READY] <r>550k <E>:Smile:</E> You can give it pile at 20h at the end of the auction if I win tanks ps : Im french ^^</r>
  4. ign: Theraptor0g7 Pokemon: Marill Evs : 252 ATK 252 SPD Of levels: 5-80 Moves Kept: do not change
  5. Re: Wts 26 ms <t>I buy 6 MS for 3.6m pm me on the game Theraptor0g7</t>
  6. The end of bid you win gyrados when you can log on pokemon revolution online ?
  7. Start : 75k Insta : Offers Min Bid : 25k Sell to veronica 800k Insta : Offers Insta : Offers Insta : Offers Insta : Offers Insta : Offers Insta : Offers The auction will finish 48 hours after the first offer
  8. Re: Epic Haxorus <r><QUOTE author="Vouch"><s> </e></QUOTE> hey when the end of auction <E>:Question:</E> <E>:Question:</E></r>
  9. Re: Epic Haxorus <r>when the end of the auction <E>:Question:</E></r>
  10. Re: Epic Haxorus <r>800k <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  11. IGN: Theraptor0g7 Pokemon: Marill EV train: 252 Atk|252 Speed|6 HP Moves to keep: does not change the capacity Rush order: no For level up service Current Level: 5 Final Level: 60 Evolve at level: 18 Moves to keep: does not change the capacity
  12. My Ingame name: Theraptor0g7 Pokemon's name: Marill Evs : 252 Atk , 252 Speed , 6 HP Starting/Finishing level: 5/60 Any moves you want to keep or learn through level up ? Do not change
  13. Re: Jahus' Stock [update 2016-10-26] <r><QUOTE author="Jahus"><s> </e></QUOTE> That one is sold (I marked it), I can sell you the other (ATK 25 / SPD 26) with both moves for 65 k.<br/> <br/> P.-s. Are you French?<e> </e></QUOTE> ok for the 2nd Maril and yes Im french ^^</r>
  14. For all Dragonair made an offer with Dragonair number and look upon your offer Dragonair : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 . sorry for my English I'm french ^^
  15. Re: EPIC DARMANITAN ♪ Shichibukai Guild Shop ♪ [ 14/10 updated ] <t>O buy Ms and 100 coins for 950k ok ?</t>
  16. Re: Jahus' Stock [update 2016-10-21] <t>70k for maril adamant, Huge Power, Aquajet, tambour Belly, Ivs 22atk 29sped ok ?</t>
  17. [glow=red]-I buy ms 450k or offers[/glow] [glow=blue]-I buy Coins offers in mp[/glow] [glow=green]My Pseudo ING: Theraptor0g7[/glow]
  18. the start bid is 100k
  19. [glow=blue] [/glow] End of bid 24/10/2016 22h30 StartBid 100k Insta : offers Best Offers : [glow=red]Instant 380K bangzhige[/glow]
  20. Boutique G-7 Regle : tous les prix sont negociable me mp in game Shiny: Ariados 35k Wooper Epic Offers Lv 100: Special : Dragonair 20K Ditto 20K Dedenne 20K Litwick Shuppet Misdreavus Misdreavus Misdreavus Misdreavus Misdreavus Gyrados Kingdra Epic : Kingdra 28K Ursaring 35K Ekans 15K pidgey 18K Natu : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Buy Sylveon good iV post a comment
  21. Re: 【Splash】Le culte de la trempette ✔ [ FR ] RED SERVER <t>Bonjour J'aimerais rejoindre votre guilde je joue au jeux depuis 2 mois je suis actif j'ai mes 16 badges et battu les 2 ligue j'aimerais rejoindre votre guilde car elle a l'air Sipathique je connais bien le jeux et je suis un bon Stratège merci D'avence<br/> <br/> <br/> Cordialement Theraptor0G7</t>
  22. </COLOR> Boutique G-7 <i></i> La boutique est ouverte au négociation sur tous les produit pour cela me contacter <COLOR color="#FF0000">Pokemon a vendre : LV : -Arcanin 25K achat direct Spécial : Kicklee 10K achat direct Ronflex Ditto (Métamorph)LV 59 (Kanto) 20K Epic : Roucarnege 9K Rapasdepic Adament 8K Nosferalto Modest 8K Mystherbe 6K Objet a vendre : -Focile Helix 15K [reste 1] -PP Up 4K [reste 1] -Iron 4K [reste 1]
  23. Gyarados 20K
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