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Everything posted by Chizune

  1. @Bhimosoare you online rightnow?
  2. @BhimosoDm me when you're ready. Thanks @Heroyla31 Dm me when you're ready. Thanks
  3. Auction ended. dm me when you're ready to trade. Thanks
  4. 9hrs 42mins remaining. Goodluck
  5. bump 13hrs left
  6. @Ruokzyy is that a battlebond gren? or just ha?
  7. Doesn't matter. as long as i have funds. can transfer no problem. Do that many times and also i have my alt on gold that have the funds. @Metalgreymon
  8. i will transfer to gold. no problem And also i do have character on gold that have funds. @Metalgreymondm me when you're active.
  9. Auction ended! @Sale01@Itoennazo dm me when you're ready to trade. Thank You for those who participate!
  10. last 2 mins for both poke
  11. Bump 7hrs 30min remaining.
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