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About Corebess

  • Birthday 01/27/2001

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  1. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic, but I am able to use surf outside of battle without the sixth kanto badge. I got surf how you're normally supposed to get it, by battling the pikachu guy and going into the house in the safari zone, but I could surf right when I taught it to my Blastoise [image]https://prntscr.com/9vs7zm[/image]
  2. Corebess

    General Bugs

    I didn't know where else to put this, so please don't get mad if I'm wrong When you have a fainted pokemon on your PC, put it in your party, and have only that fainted pokemon in your party (with possibly more fainted pokemon, but no healthy ones) you don't get teleported to a pokecenter, your pokemon doesn't heal, etc etc. When I got into a battle, I automatically lost. But when I battled Jackson in the trainer school, he said what he would say if I would have won.
  3. At the indigo platue, the officer standing in front of the building for the johto E4 and champion says $Username instead of the players actual username. I would have provided a picture, but I accidentally hit space bar :p
  4. I've been trying to figure out how to make a new thread in multiple sections of the forums, but i could only find a couple places to make one. I thought i would be able to post in player introductions, since it's for making introductions and all, but I can't. Please tell me what i need t do :confused:
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