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Everything posted by Steinar

  1. Re: wts EPIC Gengar 31 SPEED 23+ all pvp ready <t>Whats the start?</t>
  2. u got any picture of it`?
  3. Re: Nearly Epic Milotic Current B.o 350k <t>500k :)</t>
  4. Re: epic milotic on the floor <t>Long left? :)</t>
  5. Re: epic milotic on the floor <t>Who is scammer?</t>
  6. Re: epic milotic on the floor <t>1.7m ty</t>
  7. Re: epic milotic on the floor <t>1.5 then</t>
  8. Re: epic milotic on the floor <t>would u accept 1.3m as a start offer?</t>
  9. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>IGN: Steinar<br/> Red server<br/> <br/> Thanks for the giveaway :D</t>
  10. Re: Aurorus 's Shop. Let me get what you need. Taking Hunting Quest. <t>Hi Aurorus!<br/> <br/> I want a adamant huge power Azurill with 30+atk and 23+ on rest! :)</t>
  11. Steinar


    Well that kinda suck tho:/
  12. Steinar


    Hey. I'm tilted af now.. I was batteling the entei guardian and then i got DC... And i have the feeling that i could finaly get my entei now.. Is it any chance u guys can give me a roleback? I got dc max 3 mins ago.. It's very sad that this happens and i hope u guys plz can help me.. I dont know where on the forum i should ask you guys for help on this kind of a problem so i post it here. I also sendt a pm to the administrator unknown. Looking forward to hear from you
  13. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on) <t>Bump.</t>
  14. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on) <r><QUOTE author="leolawliet" post_id="375027" time="1492339233" user_id="14509"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Hey. <br/> Im the owner of the toge :-)<br/> <br/> Feel free to come with a offer on it please :)</r>
  15. i was abaout to write the same :p
  16. Cool i will order a snignature! Picture: Shiny mew and Celebi flying around each other! Text: Steinar
  17. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on, updated March 17, auction on nice chikorita) <t>150k for chiko</t>
  18. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on, updated March 15, auction on a nice togekiss 2 hrs left) <t>Quan i offer 100k on the chika <3</t>
  19. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on, updated March 15, auction on a nice togekiss 5 hours left) <r><QUOTE author="smurfen123"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Thank you. The owner of this post is not online atm but you got the best offer <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  20. Re: Chronos' PokeHouse (Currently being worked on, updated March 15, auction on a nice togekiss 14 hours left) <r><QUOTE author="smurfen123"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> gotcha <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  21. You're number was already chosen by Buzzn in the first page of this post Which one is it? 85 or 82? because in the 4th page you said 85 You're number was already chosen by Porkchop420 in the 2nd page You're number was already chosen by JoneD in the 2nd page You're number was already chosen by Barney in the 1st page iknow. I have repicked 15. I talked to sitzei on discord
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