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About Willmann

  • Birthday 08/09/1989

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  1. Hello! Just love this game. But sometimes is to hard it take the fun out of it. Right now my brother and I is stuck on Hannah. We have 5st 100 pokemon but can´t beat Mega - Metagross. 100 Blaziken. 100 golduck. 100 Snorlax. 97 Gengar and 99 Gyarados. and 32 Huntail. is that a good team? Can anyone tell me what I can do.? What Pokmeon Is good. Can we borrow some strong Pokemon so we can move on. Can Staff help us. We play on Gold Server (Hope You understand me. I´m not good at English.. ( I´m Swedish)
  2. Hello! I play this amazing game with my 8 year old brother. I´m 27. I need to help him time to time. we don´t live together. so I need to login to his account sometimes. Is that okey? that I help him in that way? I dont want a ban. and I can´t find out any answer to my question. Hope you understand. ( English is not my best side... I´m Swedish.) // Robin.
  3. Willmann


    Hej! Make it so you can see in Pokedex when let say Charmander evolve to Charmeleon Or like a chat commands something like this if Charmander is in place/slot 1 -> /evolve 1.
  4. I'm unsure of what your question entails. Could you be a bit more specific? :Angel: If there was more Chat commands. But Its okej Giorgio25 already send a link. Thanks both of you. Oh just One more thing.. Is there a way to see when a Pokemon evolve in the game? If not? Is there a guide that I can look at. Thanks.
  5. Thank you. Then I need to learn someone that will have 150 Happiness only for headbutt and or for Dive. And never use that Pokemon in battle. Any more Chat/ That are good to know about?
  6. Thank you.
  7. Hello! Is there any way to see how much a pokemon has in happiness in nr. To avoid losing happiness. What should I be aware of. How much does let say Pikachu lose if Pikachu dies in battle? And if I put him in Store/PC Box. Dos he lose any happiness then? And to use Headbutt how much will happiness be then? Mvh Robin "IGN = Willmann" willmann
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