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Everything posted by Verto

  1. Same here in France, I think that's just a parameter from our universities, can't connect on Steam either for example
  2. Re: MacCollin's Pokefarm (updated Anyarur's donations 20.01.16) <t>Too bad I'm far from having the 4th badge so I can't trade, great thing you're doing that anyway!</t>
  3. All right, fair enough, I understand the situation better now, thanks. What you're saying is possible Roloc, as I mentionned, I'm new here, so there are a lot of stuff I don't know about, and it's rarely possible to buy membership in games in general without having to pay with real currency, so I have to congratulate PRO for that. Thanks for your quick answers too ;)
  4. Oh, didn't know that, thanks for the info, that's a good thing but I honestly still believe that areas shouldn't be privatized to a few. I'm probably nowhere near those areas with my current progress in the game, but still, I think that "membership-only area" isn't the best idea out there. There are many ways you could in my opinion change this feature with other stuff
  5. Okay I'll avoid commenting on people saying stuff like "don't be mad guys" and other "i like it, if u dont, dont cry pls" because this would be a waste of time. Basically, a queue system is fine, I just arrived on the server so I cannot say anything about how easy or hard it was to log in the server before the queue system, but people seem to say that it was actually easier, okay fair enough. But as the number of players is greatly increasing, this system was needed. Now clearly it doesn't really work and is bugg but no, taking off the queue system wouldn't be smart, but it does need to be worked on.
  6. So you'd prefer that members don't get anything for being awesome and actually donating? So... are non members not awesome? That's basically what you just threw there, donating is an option, it helps the server live and make profit, but it doesn't mean that members should be able to access more contents than others, or at least there should be a way for non members to get those items or access to those locations, maybe in a more time-costing way. They should be rewarded but not like that, non members are possible future members, not trying to offend anyone but they and I don't want to be seen as less important, I think you can understand this point of view
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