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Everything posted by Isaiase

  1. Hello, my name is Isaias. I ve got a kadabra which I ve just finished training and i needed someone to help me evolve it. I then spoke to someone in all chat who I had some words with before (named Ebeezuk). He agreed helping me but it seems he was a bit newbie in the game and I did not know that. We accepted the trade but he has not been to hoeen yet, where my kadabra is from. I am wandering, then, if you can help me get my kadabra back. I am so sorry i did not check this guy had hoenn completed. I ll drag the files for proof next. Thanks a lot. Server: gold (I have already posted this in general support but I do not know how to delete it) Thanks for your time
  2. Hello, my name is Isaias. I am in need of a hand here. I ve got a kadabra which i ve just finished training and i needed someone to help me evolve it. I then spoke to someone in all chat who I had some words with before. He agreed helping me but it seems he was a bit newbie in the game and I did not know that. We accepted the trade but he has not been to hoeen yet, where my kadabra is from. I am wandering, then, if you can help me get my kadabra back. I am so sorry i did not check this guy had hoenn completed. I ll drag the files for proof next. Thanks a lot.
  3. Hi, As the title says, I was cleaning my pokemons in pc and I accidently released a genesect I did not mean to release because I was on phone and its a bit harder to be accurate. I was hopping there was a way to help me with this issue I ll upload a screenshot with the ID. Thanks for your time, isaias
  4. Hi. This is not really important but i would appreciate if you could fix it for me. I entered the event today with a fainted sync pokemon (expecting it to tell me i cant or heal it automatically) but as soon as i went in, i got teleported to the last pokemon center i was in as an escape rope would do. I could not get my reward today becouse of that. Is there any chance this could be fixed? Thanks for your time, Isaias
  5. Thanks for your answer. Could you tell me where can i turn off battle animations? Thanks
  6. Hi, i just wanted to know if is there some way to increase game speed without braking any rule. I donw want to get banned but i just stopped playing couse of the amount of time u ahve to wait for animations Thanks.
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