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Everything posted by Zeratoita

  1. Hi, I play on mobile and in the game it doesn't let me write in chat or in messages between players it doesn't let me send anything... how can I solve it? because if I can't write it's impossible to play... thanks I play on mobile
  2. hi everyone, I evolved the swampert mount into a mega swampert mount...but after I bought it it gave me 1 object that is not the mount...the mount's design is missing and when I use it it makes me walk on water without the mount ...I was wondering if anyone could help me....I would like to point out this problem, I hope it can be resolved soon...thanks in advance....I'm waiting for your reply...sorry for my English
  3. Hi, my name is Elia (Zeratoita in the game) I have 879 hours of play, I'm from Italy, I'm 28 years old, I like doing PVP and playing in groups, I always try to be as available as possible to help or advise. I like endoof
  4. Hi, my name is Elia (Zeratoita in the game) I have 879 hours of play, I'm from Italy, I'm 28 years old, I like doing PVP and playing in groups, I like endoof
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