The old graveyard was starting to break apart, but it looked well enough as any to set up. Alpha and Zoda set the recorder on the ground between them and scanned the darkened cemetery with their Illumise. There wasn't a sign of a caretaker as the only sounds were the random Gastlys.
"Turn it on and let's start," Alpha said. Zoda started recording, and Alpha began asking questions out loud.
"Is there anyone with us tonight?" Nothing filled the silence except a slight screeching from somewhere behind the stones. Disturbed, Alpha asks next.
“Tell us your name?" Again, the screeching.
"Can you show yourself?" The Screeching intensified.
"Probably a ghost poke afraid of being caught?" asked Alpha. The screeching stopped, but the atmosphere suddenly seemed thick and malevolent. None of the two could have anticipated what happened as the shadow behind them rose. The darkness swooped down and engulfed them until neither one could see the other, and just as suddenly, a scream in the dark followed by the silence in it.
The next morning when the old caretaker showed up, he found the recorder laying on the ground in front of the tombstone. He turned it on, and in the silence that followed each of Alpha’s questions, he heard distorted voices….no, whispers of high intensities.
"Yes...I am always here."
“Mis….dreavus. Will you play with me?"
"I'll show myself, but it is the last thing you'll ever see..."
The caretaker quietly threw the recording in his stash of other old and dusty recorders as the he looks around to see the raggedy pokemon giving him a dark smile before vanishing in the dark.