Good day. I'm experiencing this too. I did the steps mentioned, but still the issue persists. I've also done a clean reg command via F2 in-game, but it didn't do anything.
I've uploaded SS of both windowed and exclusive full screen 640*480 and 1280*720 for comparison.
Looking to buy Munnas with Synchronize ability.
Please tell me which nature does yours have. (Jolly and Gentle preferred)
IGN: Jianychta
Discord: Jianychta#3610
Hello guys and thank you very much for keeping on applying to the guild.
Sadly though, we're currently not accepting new recruits as most of the members aren't that active in the game as of late.
We will be opening up recruitment in the near future though, so if you're still looking for a friendly guild by then, we'd love to have you.
Until then, keep safe everyone and may the Pokemon RNG be with you.